Agriculture News

Here are some more photos below:
Year 10 Agriculture: Still on a high after the Merino Wether Challenge win, students have been busy with the Cows Create Careers program and caring for the chooks. With Milo and Otis at school, morning and afternoon feeds have occurred on a roster basis, weight estimates taken, and various other dairy tasks have occurred. Students are completing their final tasks ready for submission, including creative photos with the calves, making bioplastics from milk, and various written tasks.
Year 11 VCE Agriculture and Horticulture: Year 11 students have been sharing the feeding of the calves with the year 10s in addition to getting stuck into all things to do with Plants. They have propagated lavender and daphne cuttings, sown numerous vegetable seeds hoping for some suitable produce for the Shepparton Show, maintained the garden and harvested winter vegetables, and undertaken various trials. Trials completed or currently underway include: investigating phototropism and how plants respond to light and different coloured lights; plant density – how the density of planting affects growth of oat seedlings; the movement of coloured water through celery, dissection of different types of seeds and germinating different seed types.
Year 12 VCE Agriculture and Horticulture: Now in the last stages of new content, the Year 12 students have undertaken some practical tasks for Sustainable Agricultural Business Management. They recently spent a week exploring how the GPS chilled and frozen food monitoring device, Escavox, works, before completing a SAC based on the key knowledge associated with it. This week they visited Messina Farms at Numurkah, where they were in awe of the attention to detail and care of soil, staff, produce and pastures, that is happening.