Assistant Principal News

Week 9 Greetings


As we look back on the busy and exciting term, it’s wonderful to reflect on the numerous events and activities that have made it so memorable as each experience has contributed to a lively and enriching school environment. Our students thoroughly enjoyed a variety of extra curricula activities including excursion and incursions. These valuable experiences organised by our teaching staff complemented our curriculum and sparked curiosity both inside and outside of classrooms. Athletic Carnival and Mini Olympics were huge success, our students showcased their athletic talents and sportsmanship in a fun and competitive atmosphere. We also celebrated a special milestone with our Prep students when they completed their first 100 days at our school. This occasion was filled with joy and reflection on their journey at our school so far. Term 4 will bring another exciting term at CPS for which our teachers were busy planning during this week. 今学期もあと一週間で終わりを迎えようとしています。3学期の様々なイベントを振り返ってみたいと思います。生徒たちは様々な課外活動を通して学習内容をよりよく理解し、様々なことに好奇心を抱いて取り組みました。アスレチックカーニバルやミニオリンピックでは、スポーツマンシップを発揮して色々な競技に参加していた生徒たちの姿がとても微笑ましかったです。また、CPSで最初の100日を迎えたプレップの生徒たちとも、その特別な節目を一緒にお祝いすることができました。来学期にはまた楽しい1学期が待っています。皆様、どうぞ良いホリデーをお過ごしください。




We are delighted to welcome parents to join us for the last special event of the Term, Undokai. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, I would like to share remainders shared by Mr Strain on Tuesday: 来週火曜日に執り行われる運動会に先駆け、今週火曜日に校長より保護者の皆様へお知らせをお送りいたしました。下記のことに心がけてくださいますよう、何卒よろしくお願い致します。

  • Please adhere to our recently updated Photographing, Filming and Recording Policy which can be found via this link. CPS Photographing, Filming and Recording Policy 先週スクールカウンシルで更新された、Photographing, Filming and Recording Policyを遵守してください。
  • To respect the privacy of all students, please do not post photos of other children on social media platforms.全ての生徒のプライバシーを尊重、保護するため、ご自身のお子様以外の生徒の写真をソーシャルメディアに投稿しないでください。
  • Kindly stay away from interacting with students or your own children. This helps us ensure that students have the space they need to participate and enjoy the event with their peers. ご自身のお子様を含め、イベント中は生徒たちに直接話しかける行為や、生徒席への立ち入りはご遠慮ください。
  • Please give our teachers ample space to work and manage the event. Your cooperation in this matter will help them focus on making Undokai a memorable experience for all.本校スタッフが運動会の進行に集中できるよう、スペースの確保のご協力をお願い致します。



We are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all members of our school community. As part of our ongoing efforts to uphold the highest standards, we have recently updated Child Safety related policies. Please take a moment to review the policies listed below from our website. 最高の基準を維持するための継続的な取り組みの一環として、最近、子どもの安全に関するポリシーを更新しました。以下のポリシーをウェブサイトでご確認ください。

  • Child Safety Policy
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations and Procedures Policy
  • Complaints Policy
  • Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
  • Visitors Policy
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Working with Children Check (WWCC) Policy
  • Yard Duty and Supervision Policy
  • Photography, Filming, and Recording Students Policy

These policy updates are now in effect, and we encourage you to review them in detail. Copies of the updated policies are available on our school website or at the school office. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. これらのポリシーの更新は現在施行されています。詳細については、学校のウェブサイトまたは本校オフィスでご確認ください。ご質問がある場合やさらなる情報が必要な場合は、お気軽にご連絡ください。


Snapshots from our classrooms


I visited one of the STEM lessons this week when our Y5/6 students were working on their project. They researched animals that migrate and mapped out the migration routes. This information was transferred into either a poster or a movie. The students produced high-quality work, and collaboration among them demonstrated many of our School Values.  今週、Y5/6の生徒たちがプロジェクトに取り組んでいる STEM の授業を訪れました。移住する動物についてリサーチをし、移動経路をマッピングしました。この情報をポスターまたは動画にして発表することになっています。



 In the Y3/4 Maths lesson, Morita Sensei and her students were working on the concept of fractions. Some students used origami paper, while others were provided with stamps of different shapes to demonstrate their understanding of fractions. Thank you, Morita Sensei, for providing our students with so many engaging hands-on activities. Y3/4の算数の授業では、森田先生とその生徒たちが分数の学習に取り組んでいました。一部の生徒は折り紙を使用し、他の生徒は様々な形のスタンプを使って分数の理解を示しました。