General News

We are still looking for registered volunteers for Year 1 (Thursday) and Year 4 (Tuesday and Wednesday) swimming lessons. Contact Bec Mattner if you are available
Book Fair
In Week 3, the library will be hosting our annual Scholastic Book Fair. The Book Fair provides children and parents with an opportunity to browse through the sorts of books normally available through Scholastic Book Club and purchase on the spot. The Book Fair will be open to parents/caregivers and their children before and after school to make purchases. Children will also be able to purchase during the day without a parent/caregiver. Detailed information about the fair will be sent out later this week.
Sidewalk Works
We have been advised that Telstra is conducting works on their infrastructure that may interfere with sidewalks & traffic in the streets surround the school. Adequate signage will be prevalent when these works are occurring. Please be cautious when traveling around the surrounding streets of the school.
PE Week Donations
In Week 5, we are celebrating PE week, which is a whole week dedicated to being happy, healthy and active! The week is FULL of activities and excitement and includes a whole school scavenger hunt, a PE/Sport Quiz, a nail-biting staff vs student netball game and some health hustles. Select children will also be competing in an Athletics carnival against our connected schools network to try and regain their title of Endeavour Cup champions!
Each year, we reach out to families and ask for donations towards our prize packs for our winners of competitions throughout the week. Suggestions include: Sports equipment, fidgets, vouchers, fun stationery (pencils/erasers).
Please get in touch with Miss Karly Bartlett: if you would like to donate, or bring any donatable items to the front office prior to Week 5!
Term Dates
Term 4: 15 October - 11 December
God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Acceptance | Romans 15:7 Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 Respect | Luke 6:31 Compassion | 1 John 3:18 Hope | Titus 3:7 Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a |