Together Everyone Achieve More

Mrs Chanae Johns



We have survived another term of school and are sooooo deserving of these upcoming holidays. Teachers and students have worked through a few ups and downs this term, showing our values along the way. We are a resilient team and a team that can do 'hard things'.


Reflecting back on the term, there have been many highlights and achievements from our learners. We have enjoyed our Poetry Unit and have been learning about the language features of poetry and explored how reading poems out loud can influence meaning (cadence, rhythm etc.) 


This term alone we have hosted or participated in a number of events...

  • 5/6 Melbourne Camp
  • National Tree Planting Day
  • Blue Sky Dance
  • Responsible Pet Ownership
  • Book Week - Reading is Magic
  • Gymnastics
  • Connor - Student teacher working and learning with us
  • Year 6 Transition Days
  • Athletics Carnival - Cluster & Wellington

In amongst all the busyness, we had the school review. This was a positive experience for the school and it was a pleasure (and a good reminder) of all the wonderful things we have been doing over the last 2 years. There is always room for improvement and areas to enhance and I am excited by the new goals the review panel has set for Cowwarr to work towards over the next 4 years. I look forward to sharing these goals later next term. Thank you again to all of the students, staff, and families for their participation in the review process.


As we look to term 4, and the end of the year, the calendar is filling up quickly. We welcome back the much missed sport with Mr. Peavey and are looking forward to our swimming program with Kemp Aquatics at Aqua Energy Sale. Swimming is an important life saving skill and we encourage everyone to participate in our swimming program, regardless of ability. 


Term 4 is a very special term for our year 6 students. It marks the beginning of their last term at primary school, but also marks the start of a new chapter as they enter their final preparations for high school. 


I have often wondered why people get so emotional at the year 6 graduation celebrations. To me it has always been just part of what is expected for the next chapter of growing up. I have to be honest and admit that I feel this will be the year that I understand why!  

The students graduating this year are the students who were my very first cohort at Cowwarr. My first preps. I have watched these young people grow up over the last (nearly) 7 years and my gosh, I will miss them terribly.  I am so excited for each and every one of them and it has been a privilege to be part of their primary school years. 


BUT...we still have term 4 left, and there is so much to do! Our journey of learning and making memories is far from over. 


Have a happy, and most importantly, a safe 2 week holiday break. I look forward to seeing all of your happy faces in term 4.


Thank you TEAM!


Chanae Johns