Rohan Spong

February 2024

Introducing Rohan Spong teaching Mathematics, Sport and Physical Education.


Why did you decide to become a teacher?

The money and the fame!!



How long have you been in the teaching game?

I have been in the game for 20+ years.



What was your last place of employment - school/university or another organisation?

I was previously teaching at Wantirna College.


What do you love most about teaching?

Being in the class amongst the eager learners we have around us.


What has been one of your best teaching moments?

They happen too often (even to limit them to ‘one of the best’).


What would be 3 things that you would like your students to know about you?

  1. I’m keen to assist with their learning at any time I’m at work.
  2. I enjoy a range of music genres.
  3. I believe in lists of two things 😊 

Where is your favourite holiday destination?

The many places I have not been yet.


What TV show/series did you last binge watch?

The Sopranos.


If you could wear Harry’s invisibility cloak for one day, where would you go and what would you do? That’s Harry Potter’s cloak not Harry Ruff’s cloak 😊

If I could wear Harry's cloak I would infiltrate white collar crime and expose economic injustice.


What is the one piece of ‘advice’ or the one thing that you always say to your students?

Positive (growth) mind-set towards learning.



Thank you, and welcome to Mullauna College, Rohan!