Lilydale High School Careers Website
Our aim is to provide students with the latest information that will help make decisions about future careers and life beyond school.
The Careers Website can be found on the school website homepage under Careers.
You can use this site to locate university, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the VCE, search for job vacancies and much more.
Work Related Skills Victorian Careers and Employment Expo
Friday 15 March
Year 11 students (24) had the opportunity to investigate various careers whilst at the expo.
As part of their VCE Vocational Major studies, they engaged in planning and organising the trip and conducted an investigative activity into careers pathways whilst at the expo.
Trades & Tech Fit Expo
Wednesday 8 May
The Trades & Tech Fit Expo showcases employment options within the trades and tech industries. This expo will provide opportunities for Year 9 to 12 female and non-binary students from Victorian Secondary Schools to interactively sample roles in a simulated environment.
This expo is hands-on allowing students to design video games, lay bricks, weld, fly planes, program a robot, safety test equipment, learn to paint and more while understanding more about the range of career options available.
It is a chance for them to get involved and immerse themselves in all things trades and tech, by connecting with employers, key industry organisations and their supporters.
Students wishing to attend the expo should advise the Careers Office or email
Careers Appointments
The Careers Office is located next to Student Services.Tim Kogelman and Kerri Skewes are the Careers Coordinators for 2024 and are available to assist students to make informed decisions about career choices and choices for study.
Feel free to drop into the Careers Office if you have any questions.
Tim Kogeleman and Kerri Skewes