Monday 15 April
Term 2 Starts
Year 7 Phillip Island Camp 1 (15 to 17)
Wednesday 17 April
Year 7 Phillip Island Camp 2 (17 to 19)
Thursday 25 April
Monday 29 April
Yarra Division Cross Country
Thursday 2 May
Yarra Valley Clay Target Championship
Friday 3 May
Year 7 Immunisations
Tuesday 7 May
Year 8 Medieval Day 1
Wednesday 8 May
Year 8 Medieval Day 2
Friendly Faces
You may have noticed over the past few weeks that these little smiling badges have been showing up around the school.
These are part of the Friendly Faces initiative, which I created to help Year 7 students feel more confident around the school in their first year.
These badges are worn by VCE students who are friendly faces; they’re happy to answer any questions younger students have, help them find a teacher or staffroom or just give them a general helping hand if they need it.
I know that Year 7 can be a bit daunting at times and I was a bit shy myself when I was in Year 7, so I hoped that an initiative like this might help students like myself.
If you ever have a burning question and you’re not sure which teacher to ask or you’re a little bit nervous to go up the staffrooms, just look out for a Friendly Face.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at; bra0040@lilydalehs.vic.edu.au
Liv Bradshaw
Year 12 Captain
Year 8 Food Studies
Our lovely Year 8s made delicious 'Get Up 'n Go Breakfast Cookies' and 'Wattleseed Pancakes' with Ms Harmes.
Wattleseed is an Australian native spice. It has a nutty and woody flavour and coffee-like aroma!
Year 8M Humanities
Castles played an important role in helping the daimyo and samurai maintain control over the Japanese countryside. As well as serving as a fortress, castles also symbolised the wealth and power of their owner, so Japanese castles were intricate and designed to be beautiful as well as strong.
Students in 8M (Ms Hovanjec's class) were to design their own historically accurate Japanese castle. Some groups were drawing Japanese castles on paper, building it in Minecraft, designing it in Tinkercad, and some on the whiteboard tables in Steam 1.
The best castle will be chosen from each of the Year 8 Humanities classes, and will go into the running to win a prize!
Students Leaving School Early
For various reasons you may require your child to leave school early on a particular day. We recommend appointments be made where possible outside of school hours to minimise the impact on your child’s learning and the disruption to classes.
If you require to collect your child, please send a note with your child, log onto Compass or leave a message on the Junior School Early Leavers voicemail.
Students are responsible for collecting an early leavers pass from the Junior School Office before Home Group or at recess.
Please note, that if an early leavers pass is not prior arranged, due to students attending class in various areas around the school, prompt collection of students by staff is not always possible.
Celebrating student Achievements
Parents and Carers, if there is an achievement that happens in your child's life outside of school (sporting achievements, musical successes etc), please let us know as we would like to acknowledge their success.
Junior School Coordinators