Term 1
Unexplained Absences
We ask that all parents and carers please check their Compass Parent Portal and approve unexplained absences for Term 1.
If you are unable to log in to Compass OR are having trouble approving absences online, please email the Sub School Office Assistants who will be able to assist you.
Junior School
Middle School
Senior School
Montrose Interchange
Bus Stop Changes
Please be advised of the following changes to the bus stop at Montrose for the start of Term 2, from the Community Advisory Team.
Here is a quick summary of the updated plan below:
- Bus stop ID – 9827 to be reopened and Bus stop ID – 22059 to be Closed. (Refer to the attachment)
- Bus stop ID – 22056 to be reopened
Year 7 and 10
The Yarra Ranges Immunisation team will visit our school on Friday 3 and Friday 10 May to complete the Year 7 and 10 Program.
Year 7 students - Friday 3 May
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough booster vaccine
Year 10 students - Friday 10 May
Meningococcal ACWY
Parents and Carers are asked to COMPLETE the online immunisation consent form (whether your child is being vacinated or not) on the Compass Parent Portal.
Support for Families Experiencing School Uniform Costs
Please contact the school to discuss support that we may be able to provide to families experiencing difficulty meeting uniform costs, including information about eligibility for uniform support through State Schools’ Relief.
Further information about State Schools’ Relief is also available on their website.
Reminder Mobile Phone Policy
Mobile phones brought to school must be switched off and stored securely in lockers during the school day.
The aim of the mobile phone policy for all government schools is to provide:
- a safe environment to learn without inappropriate mobile phone use (including cyberbullying) or distractions
- greater opportunities for social interaction and physical activity during recess and lunchtimes
Parents and Carers can contact their children through the relevant Sub School Offices.
A 'Principals After School Detention' will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school.
School Facebook Page
To keep up to date with news and events at school, we encourage all parents and carers to follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.