On Wednesday 13 March, the Unit 3/4 Environmental Science class went to Werribee Open Zoo to explore and learn about biodiversity and conservation.
We started off the day by walking around the zoo to see all the animals. Spotting gorillas, hippos and lions on the African river trail. On the Australian trail we were amongst the emus and wallaby’s and also walking through the bush and grasslands along the Werribee river.
We finished off the trip with the safari tour bus, where we learnt about many endangered animals and Zoos Victoria’s efforts and plans to help save these amazing creatures. By doing captive breeding programs and rescuing animals it helps population sizes increase which helps the biodiversity.
Camels, rhinos, giraffes, zebras and more were a part of the tour. With some coming to say hello to the bus and getting a bit close!
The zookeepers taught us about why biodiversity is important to animals and how we can help with their conservation.
The VCE Enviro Science class also participated in a surveying workshop. Sharn started this activity with an informative discussion on koalas, their adaptations and their human threats. This was then quickly followed by an eye opening trip to the Chirnside Shearing Shed where 40,000 sheep were shorn yearly! In this shed Sharn explained the impacts of introduced livestock through their compacting of the land and decimation of ground-cover. Finally, the workshop concluded with a practical activity using quadrats to identify suitable habitat for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot (EBBs) while surveying the local species and rabbit abundance. Eastern Barred Bandicoots were previously bred by the zoo and were heavily impacted by introduced species during European colonisation. These quadrat surveys are a real field technique used to assess suitable habitats for these rare Australian natives.
Overall, the experience was incredibly informative and some students even left skipping with joy after this ROARSOME experience.
Keira La Morticella and Jack Balsdon
Year 12