Everyone Welcome
At Lilydale High School we have plenty of choices when it comes to lunchtime activities!
The activities fill a need for students who wish to try out and experience something new, learn new skills, meet up with other students from different year levels, make new friends, develop teamwork and become more independent.
When the lunchtime bell sounds.....there are plenty of activities to choose from!
Weekly Activities Include
Strong Bodies - P1/P7
Basketball - Stadium
Art Club - Rm 4
Inclusive Group - Student Services
Yarn Club - Rm 28
Zoo Keeper - Zoology Centre
Empowering Bodies - P1
Chess Club - STEAM 1
Basketball - Stadium
Boxing (after school P1) - students and staff
Zoo Keeper - Zoology Centre
Creative Writing Club - Rm 28
Dungeons and Dragons - STEAM 1/2
Gamer Club - Rm M5
Clay Club - Rm 3
Zoo Keeper - Zoology Centre
Empowering Bodies Club
Health for your mind, body and spirit
Year 7 to 10 female and non-binary students are welcome to join Ms Harvie in P1 every Tuesday lunchtime for Empowering Bodies.
Learn how to knit and crochet with Ms Hemmings every Tuesday in Room 28.
Yarn Club is a wonderful form of mindfulness that helps to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the mind.
Students in all year levels who love knitting or crocheting, this is the lunchtime club for you.
Term 2, is the perfect time to knit a black scarf to wear with the school uniform for winter.
Parents and carers, if you have any unwanted wool or knitting/crochet needles and would like to donate them to the Yarn Club, please drop them off at the Main Administration Office.