Grade 1 & 2 

Term 1- Week 3

This week in the Junior Learning Community we have been working on developing our classroom routines. We are learning about each other and what our special talents might be. We have discovered some students love sport, some love Maths and one person loves reptiles (He brought a baby blue tongue to school to show us).

We have been working on reading and writing our high frequency words. We will be sending these home for students to practise each night alongside their readers. The children have loved exploring our Investigation spaces. Our Inquiry topic this term is Harmony. We have been discussing how we can work together in harmony. This includes following our 3 B's: Be Safe, Be Fair and Be Kind and displaying important skills such as teamwork. 



We will be starting to use Seesaw to share samples of the student's learning. This is also a great communication tool for you to send teachers messages! Please let us know if you need any assistance logging into to your child's profile. 


Rhi, Claire & Heather