LRC News

We had a wonderful celebration for International Women’s Day on Friday the 8th of March. We hosted Melbourne band ‘Vardos’. They played traditional folk music from Hungary and music from other parts of the world. We learnt that it was only in more recent times in Hungary that women were being encouraged to learn the musical instruments traditionally played by men only. We all enjoyed a lively and unique performance.
On Wednesday the 20th of March, we celebrated World Poetry Day with poetry readings at lunch time. We had an interesting mix of original poems and also a couple of famous poetry readings. It was great to see many of our Year 7 students getting involved and the variety of topics students wrote about. Thank you to those who shared their creativity.
Our poets were:
Year 7: Evin, Grace, Lithika & Dhinusha
Year 8: Asma, Zinat, Sweetha & Hudor
Year 9: Phoenix & Eesha
Year 10: Naheda, Shokria, Zuhra, Muqadasa, Sadia
Year 11: Praneet
Staff: Miss Maree, Mr Dietzsch & Mr Pawsey
We are promoting borrowing for the holidays and if you borrow two new books you can enter a raffle ticket into a draw to win an Easter basket.
Miss Sharon Tough
LRC Manager