Religious Dimension

Sunday's Gospel - John2: 13-25


Welcome to Week 6!

Jesus' emotional reaction to his people in the temple gives us an important reminder to remain faithful to the Lord. After asking his people to destroy the sanctuary that took over thirty seven years to build, the Jewish people were left stunned. Jesus had warned them that the temple was a place for prayer, peace and spiritual healing. The markets and money trade were never intended. Jesus challenged the people by promising them that he would raise the temple up once again in three days. Many believers remembered what the prophets had shared and understood that Jesus was referring to the sacrifice of his body as the temple at the Resurrection.

What does this story challenge you with?  Is your body, soul and spiritual being a temple for your faith to grow?

Can you make connections with events in your life where cleansing was important to you or your family?

Have you ever had to start or make something new to help you realign with your values?


Today we pray for healing and new beginnings for all who need this support in our community.

Project Compassion

Project Compassion is well and truly upon us. Our classrooms all have cardboard money boxes to help us collect any donations for those in need. We will be collecting any coins collected by your families in the final week of this term.  Our teachers and students have access to resources and lessons on the Caritas website to help create awareness and a message of hope, for all future generations.  These stories are truly inspiring.

In the final week of this this term our school will be celebrating Harmony Day on Monday 25 March. Thiswill gives us the opportunity to raise more funds through a variety of activities and a dressing in orange.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Last Supper and Washing of Feet Re-enactment


On Wednesday, 27 March, all classes will be attending a reenactment of the Last Supper in our STEM room. Each class will attend at different times. It will be a very special time for our students and teachers creating an atmosphere of reverence and meaning in a different way.  If you would like to attend, you are more than welcome to visit and I have attached a timetable below with class times.

Tuesday Class Masses in Term 1

Here is a list of our class masses each Tuesday and we would love it if you could attend to help the students feel supported while making strong links with our parish community. 

5/6C - Tracey Farrar5 March, 10amSt John's Church
1/2A - Clorinda Maio12 March, 10amSt John's Church
Prep A - Cara Woolley19 March, 10amSt John's Church

Important dates in Term 1 , 2024

Parent Eucharist Information evening20 March, 6:30pmMary MacKillop
Palm Sunday Liturgy22 March, 8:55amMary MacKillop 
Holy Week - Washing Feet and Last Supper26 - 27 March STEM
Passion of Christ 28 March, 12:15pmMary MacKillop 


Melinda Buscema (Deputy/REL)