Kitchen Garden

Chatham Kitchen Garden Program
Last week our Year 3/4 students had the opportunity to experience a session in our Kitchen Garden precinct. We are thrilled to be able to have these sessions to explore, learn and share in our connections with nature and cultivate a deeper understanding of where our food comes from.
We began our session familiarising students with the produce we are already growing in our garden and then enhancing their knowledge of herbs through their senses, exploring the various textures and scents on offer. Herbs such as rosemary, basil, oregano, mint and kaffir lime proved to be the students’ favourites, because these herbs reminded them of the aromas and flavours of their favourite dishes.
Our session concluded with a cold iced flavoured water of herbs, fruits and vegetables, which was enjoyed by all.
We are all very much looking forward to our cooking sessions in Week 6 and 7.
Happy gardening and cooking!
Ms Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator