Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
What a magnificent start we have had to our year at Chatham Primary School. There is so much occurring in our school that continues to engage our students, staff and community.
Parents Information Sessions – Foundation to Year 6
These were conducted over the last couple of weeks and provided our parents with a magnificent insight and knowledge about the provision of class programs at all levels. Together with our Year Level Newsletters, parents are able to gain considerable insight into the program specific to their child. Also, it was a wonderful opportunity for parents to ask questions and seek greater clarity over the development of the program over the course of the year. Again, I convey our appreciation of the efforts of our staff to bring this to fruition and provide separate days for the levels involved.
Working bee – Sunday 3rd March 2024
We have extraordinary grounds and facilities at our school which we continue to update, maintain and improve. Over the course of many years, we have had a community that has been highly immersed in a range of projects. Each of these require periodic maintenance and improvement from time to time. In order to keep our grounds to a high standard, we are requesting your involvement and support with working bees that are held four times per year.
Survey from the Chatham Parents' Club – Coming Next week
We are delighted that in the coming week a survey will be made available to parents by our Chatham Parents' Club. The Parents' Club together with the Fundraising Committee of the School Council have undertaken a myriad of fundraising and social opportunities in recent years. On this occasion, they are seeking your feedback about the priorities you see for the expenditure of such hard-earned funds. Again, we would value your thoughts and input on such matters in areas such as technology upgrades, the Library, STEAM Education, Arts and Music Programs, Play Equipment and Grounds Equipment and amongst other areas, our Kitchen Garden. In due course this information will be shared with the School Council as priorities are determined and thereafter communicated to the school community.
School Council 2024
Last Friday I informed our school community regarding the Declaration of the poll for the 2024 School Council elections. Our first meeting of the new School Council is to be conducted on Monday 18th March 2024. At this meeting, the School Council determines the Office Bearers for 2024. Prior to electing the Office Bearers, the School Council has the opportunity to consider the provision of Co-opted Community members. Currently the School Council has two of such vacancies.
Community members can be parents or other interested members of the School Commu and at the discretion of the School Council, can be for one or two years. If you are interested in being considered as a Community member, please email me directly at by Wednesday 13th March 2024.
School Review – February / March 2024
Every four years all Victorian Government Schools have a School Review. The process occurs over a number of months and for us commenced in Term 4 in 2023. In the initial stages the school was required to demonstrate that it met the minimum standards for School Registration established and defined by the Victorian Regulations and Qualification Authority. All schools: Catholic, Independent and Government, are required to meet these standards. I am delighted that the audit conducted by the VRQA in November 2023 established that we reached expectations to a high level.
In the coming weeks we will meet with senior Department of Education personnel and the nominated School Reviewer to review the progress we have made with the School Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023, the alignment the school has with Department of Education policy and the academic and survey data provided by various instruments. The latter include students, staff and parents.
As part of this process the School Reviewer would like to meet up with parents from our School Community to gain some insights into the views of the school community and to enable their sharing of relevant thoughts and ideas. This opportunity is scheduled for 3.00pm on Tuesday 12th March. If you would like to be involved please email me directly by Friday 8th March 2024 at
School Library Development
Whilst I have been discussing plans here for some time, we are finally seeing some progress in this regard. Yesterday I met with senior officers of the Victorian Schools Building Authority to discuss the contribution the VSBA would make for our capital plans for this area. In the immediate, this will refer to the replacement of carpet, painting and key library furniture and fittings. I am hopeful this will happen in early Term 2.
Please be advised that this area is of great interest to students, staff and parents. All classes have one hour per week in the library with their class teacher and can visit the library four lunchtimes per week. Additionally, Ms Sue Minshull, Ms Andrea McLeod and four long standing parent volunteers assist to maintain and develop this area. We continue to increasingly draw down the funds from the important Library Tax Deductible Fund to purchase new books and equipment for this area. The contributions made by parents are crucial to this ongoing development and we strongly encourage our families to support us in this regard.
Again, I would always encourage our parents to peruse the calendar on our website if you are seeking to be informed about upcoming events. As much as possible, we endeavour to keen this calendar updated.
Again, thank you for your ongoing interest and support of our school and the wonderful progress we continue to make.
Thank you
Christopher Cotching