Tech Ambassador Excursion

Student Tech Ambassador excursion - Friday 1st March 2024
Four Year 8s (Zaid and Ethan in 8A, and Phu, Cody and Zakk in 8E) and one Year 9 (Munji in 9H) have taken the opportunity to participate as Student Tech Ambassadors as part of Epping SC's partnership with the Whittlesea Tech school.
These students will be working alongside the tech school, Skunk Control, and other student tech ambassadors from other schools to build their STEAM skills, as well as work on a year-long project to create an interactive and immersive experience for their exhibition.
Their first day involved a scavenger hunt, science demonstrations and activities facilitated by Skunk Control, and laser cutting pieces to assemble a mechanised holographic flower. Here's what the newly appointed Ambassadors Cody and Phu had to say about the day:
Cody, 8E: Our first day at Melbourne Polytechnic was really fun. When we went inside, we discovered a microscope that could zoom in extremely far on objects, there was a mirror that used LED lights to make it seem like the mirror went on infinitely, and I caught up with an old friend from primary school who also got into this program. We found out that ethanol is very flammable.
Phu, 8E: As a student ambassador on my first day, I had a lot of fun exploring the place and playing the N64. Scattergories was very fun as well. The food was very good and well made, it was very delicious. My conclusion is that polytechnic was very fun, and I am looking forward to going there again.
We look forward to their next outing on the 22nd of March to begin their project with Skunk control!
Ms. Achmad
Year 8 Co-ordinator,
Tech School Ambassador