

Supporting the Community of St. Bede's to 'Live Well'



On Monday evening many of our parents attended a ThinkUKnow information session at school. Kate Fitzpatrick from the Australian Federal Police presented to our community, and provided fantastic discussion prompts for parents. Some of the key information that came up consistently in the presentation was:

  • always stay connected with your children and encourage discussion with them about their online experiences
  • ensure children do not have access to devices in private spaces eg. bedrooms and bathrooms
  • set expectations and/or come up with a family contract for using devices (see attachment)
  • if your child experiences a problem, it is important to not blame them and reiterate to them that they are the victim
  • report any inappropriate behaviour online to the relevant authorities (where to get help and support attached)

A big thank you to all of the parents that attended, based on your feedback it was certainly a worthwhile evening. Kate requested she would be very grateful for any parents who did attend to provide feedback (more details to come).If you would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to visit the ThinkUKnow website.


Take care,

Justin McFarlane - Student Wellbeing Leader