A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents

Third Week of Lent

This week we continue our journey towards Easter. I found this prayer and thought how appropriate it is for this very hot day.


"Teach us to thirst in the depths of our souls for you, O Lord, and through you, to thirst for more loving and just relationships with others. Above all, help us to be advocates for justice and peace in our workplaces and in the families and communities in which you have planted us. In your blessed name we pray. AMEN"


We pray that we will all be peacemakers in the world and use the gifts God has given us to make the world a better place. Let us encourage all the students to reflect on how they can keep the school expectations in Lent.


Open Day

We are welcoming prospective parents to St Martha's on Thursday 7th March. We look forward to sharing the wonderful learning and faith of the St Martha's community.

Please spread the word that Open Day is on. We will have some special visitors on the day with a petting zoo for our Kindy students and the visiting preschoolers. A coffee van will be on site for our visiting parents. Our Year 6 school leaders will be leading tours of the classrooms. If you know anyone who is looking for a school for 2025, please let them know they would be most welcome.

Beginning Teachers' Mass

We congratulate our teachers who are new to St Martha's and to Sydney Catholic Schools.

Ms Tawk who commenced in the middle of last year and Mr Walsh who commenced this year were invited to Mass at St Mary's Cathedral last week. Unfortunatley Mr Walsh was unable to attend due to ill health, but Mr Belcastro and I were able to celebrate with Ms Tawk at a beautiful Mass celebrated by the Archbishop. We also collected a gift for Mr Walsh. We pray for Ms Tawk and Mr Walsh as they work through their careers with Sydney Catholic schools.



The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data is a process by which we are supported with funding to provide suitable adjustments for students with disabilities. Each year we are required to share this information with parents. Please read the attached document to ensure you understand the process.


Peace and Best Wishes,

Carolyn Parsell