Student of the Week  

Student of Week celebrated each Friday during Assembly. 

This weeks Student of the Week 



Foundation - Charlotte

For the positive way you have approached all learning experiences. Charlotte, I admire your focus and willingness to give everything your best effort. It is wonderful having you in Foundation B!

Class 1/2B - Tasman

For being such a kind and considerate representative of Dana Street at our Ecolinc excursion this week! You embodied all of our school values to such a high standard and you made me so proud. You made sure everyone was included in the activities and you shared your knowledge with confidence. Keep up the great work, Tasman!

Class 1/2D - Henry

For wowing everyone with your weather and science knowledge at our Ecolinc excursion. You were so locked in and enthusiastic during every activity and beautifully represented our school values of Respect and Excellence. Well done, Henry!


Class 1/2K - Frida

For the way she has shown excellence in her work this week. Frida, you have worked hard in all areas and tried your very best to achieve wonderful outcomes. In writing especially, you have displayed your knowledge of the Learning Intention to a high standard. Congratulations!


Class 1/2S - Emma

For your exceptional writing. Emma, each time I read your written work, I am consistently in awe of your incredibly detailed sentences with an abundance of descriptive language, beautiful handwriting and fantastic use of more complex punctuation. The careful time and pride you take in your writing tasks does not go unnoticed and always helps you to produce high quality writing. Keep up the amazing work, superstar! 


Class 3/4B - Annie 

For the wonderful effort that you apply to your learning each day.  You interact respectfully with others and you model the School Value of Responsibility to a high degree.  It has been fantastic to see you contributing more to our class discussions and offering your own thoughts and strategies.  Well done, legend!


Class 3/4N Orlando

For your positive and enthusiastic attitude in Maths this week, Orlando, you approached all learning tasks with a growth mindset as you explored the concept of subtraction. Keep up the outstanding work! Well done, Orlando!


Class 3/4M - Kenna

For the enthusiasm you have shown towards learning this week. It was fantastic to see you participating and so engaged while meeting Harold and learning about the human body. Also, for your determination to master subtraction with renaming in Maths. Keep shining, superstar!



Class  3/4S - Finn

For being an awesome role model! You've been super helpful and amazing all week long. During Life Education, you gave it your all, and it really shined through! You've done such a great job being responsible in class, and you've been a fantastic helper, whether you're assisting the teacher or supporting your classmates. Well done, Superstar! Keep shining bright, keep being a great friend to everyone and keep on saluting!



Class 5/6A - Sienna

For the incredible effort you have put into your persuasive piece about pollution in the ocean. Sienna, you developed convincing arguments using evidence to strengthen your points and created a powerful introduction with sophisticated language and imagery to capture the reader’s attention. Keep up the amazing work!


Class 5/6J - Harvey

For his ability to take onboard new learning skills within our persuasive writing unit this week. Harvey, you have blown me away with your aptitude to 'break the mould' within your introduction and deliver strong arguments following the PEEL structure. You should be so proud of your effort!


Class 5/6P - Aara 

For showcasing her writing craft during our persuasive cycle. Aara, you have applied your knowledge of breaking the mould, and have incorporated a range of literary devices to create captivating pieces of writing that instantly engage your audience. Keep up the great work legend!




Specialist Award

Japanese - Dustin 

For your growth mindset during our writing challenges as we prepare to create our Penpal letters. Dusty, you were focused on the task for the entire lesson, listened closely to instructions, and asked clarifying questions when you needed to. Your enthusiasm when you found the hiragana you needed for each word was delightful to see. Keep up the excellent work!


P.E. - 1/2K

For your ability to identify and demonstrate what it means to be team players. Well done!