Respectful Relationships
Social and Emotional Learning @ Sunshine Heights Primary School
Respectful Relationships
Social and Emotional Learning @ Sunshine Heights Primary School
Welcome to Respectful Relationships, our guiding light in helping our students and community develop the critical social, emotional and positive relationship skills they will need to know, show and grow themselves and connect positively and respectfully with others. As part of our whole school focus on embedding respectful relationships across our community, we will be sharing here: vocabulary, ideas, information, themes, and strategies that connect to the Respectful Relationships curriculum to develop home-school connections.
Welcome To Grade 1/2
This term the Grade 1/2 students will be exploring emotions through both our Zones of Regulation and Respectful Relationships lessons. We will learn how to identify different emotions, recognise what we feel and look like and become aware of which zone we are in. The students will participate in group discussions, create visual representations, and use role play to explore these topics. Having a growth mindset and developing the vocabulary required to resolve conflict will also be a focus.