Sports News

Ms Cerene Hughes - Head of Sport and Activities

Ms Clare Cattanach -  Sports Administration Officer (PP‑12)

Miss Amy Lewin - Primary Sports Coordinator


As we welcome the crisp autumn air, it's time to gear up for an action-packed season of sports with the commencement of the QGSSSA Autumn fixtures in Basketball, Football, and Touch Football. Students in Years 7-12 are ready to hit the courts and fields, showcasing their skills, and pre-season preparation. 


Get ready for the sound of the ball bouncing and the graceful swish of the net – our basketball teams are gearing up for an impressive season, aiming for that perfect slam dunk! Our Football teams are ready to don their boots and create thrilling moments on the football field, while our Touch Football teams are set to exhibit swift moves and strategic plays against their rivals.


The first fixture is scheduled for Friday 8 March against Ipswich Girls Grammar School. We encourage supporters to come and cheer for our teams. Please refer to the College App for further information and details. 


CC Club Basketball  

As our Club Basketball boys step onto the court for the final round of their summer season, they carry with them the echoes of victories and the lessons learned from challenging losses. 


Throughout the season, they have demonstrated resilience, teamwork, and a passion for the game that truly defines the spirit of CC Sport.


To our dedicated boys, we wish you the best of luck in your final round. Your hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we're proud of the progress you've made individually and as a team. 


As we conclude this summer season, we eagerly anticipate what the upcoming Winter season will bring. CC Sport invites all boys in Years 6-8 to join the program, where friendships are forged, skills are honed, and the love for the game continues to grow. Stay tuned for more information on the Winter season.        

Triumph at Andrews Cup Swimming Championships

Our swimmers made waves at the recent Andrews Cup Swimming Championships, showcasing improvement with dazzling performances that secured a distinguished 1st place in the coveted Percentage Cup. A standout moment occurred as our 8 years and under cohort clinched a commendable 4th place in their age category. The event served as a testament to their collective efforts, marking an incredible day of racing and cheering. We express profound pride for the dedication exhibited by our swimmers throughout the season. Congratulations, Andrews Cup swimmers!

Britton Shield Touch Football Competition

Prepare for an exciting event as our Britton Shield Touch Football team gears up for their upcoming competition next week. Save the date and join us in supporting the team:


Date: Tuesday 12 March

Venue: Jim Finimore Park, Ipswich

Competition Time: 9:30 am-12:30 pm


We extend a warm invitation to all spectators. For a comprehensive overview of the event please refer to the College App > Primary Sport > Touch Football > Britton Shield. 

Andrews Cup Netball Training

Mark your calendars as Andrews Cup Netball training commences on Wednesday 13 March. In the initial phase, a single weekly session on Wednesdays will focus on team selection. Moving forward into Term 2, the training frequency will double. 


Comprehensive details are easily accessible on the College App. We warmly invite all prospective players in Years 4-6 to join us for the first session of the season. 


Please register your child’s participation, via the Parent Lounge sign-on: 

  • Login to Parent Lounge
  • Go to 'Events and Payments' 
  • Select 2024 SPORT | Andrews Cup Netball Sign-On 
  • Click 'accept'