Performing Arts

Matt Halford - Performing Arts Teacher



Students will be involved in various Drama exercises that involve problem solving, recognition of shapes, group work, confidence, performance skills, voice projection, articulation, memory, cooperation and taking turns. The students will participate in exercises such as The Circle, Freeze and Cats in the Garden.  


Year 1


Students will be involved in Drama exercises such as Freeze, Oscar, Ralph, Individual Impro, and Good Morning Sir. The skills that they focus on are voice projection, quick thinking, articulation, patience, spontaneity, cooperation, memory, voice projection, imagination, concentration, focusing, group consideration, listening, spatial awareness, levels of movement and grade cooperation.


Year 2


Students will be involved in Drama exercises such as Freeze, Newspaper Impro, Oscar, Ralph, Class Newspaper Impro’s, Individual Impro, Partner Impro and Good Morning Sir. The skills that they focus on are voice projection, quick thinking, articulation, patience, spontaneity, cooperation, memory, hand-eye coordination, voice projection, imagination, concentration, focusing, group consideration, listening, spatial awareness, levels of movement and timing, grade cooperation.


Year 3 


Students will be involved in Drama exercises such as Circle Move, Group Shapes, Machine Visualisation, Group Machines and Mime Prop Impro’s. Drama skills covered will be non-verbal communication, concentration, group cooperation, spatial awareness, levels of movement, timing, quick thinking, talking and listening.


Year 4


Students will be involved in Drama exercises such as Circle Move, Group Shapes, 10 Second Impro’s, Machine Visualisation, Group Machines, Class Machines, Mime Prop Impro’s and Partner Prop Impro’s. Drama skills covered will be non-verbal communication, concentration, group cooperation, visualisation, observation, spatial awareness, levels of movement, timing, risk taking, quick thinking, talking, listening and negotiation. 


Year 5


Students will participate in Drama exercises such as Spot the Spot, Oscar, Key Keeper, Rhythm Detective, Who has the Key?, Group Shapes, Partner Impro’s, Mexican Clap and Action Vocab. Drama skills to be covered will be improvisation, voice projection, risk taking, memory, listening, rhythm, beat, concentration, cooperation, problem solving, leadership, quick thinking, partner work and trust. 


Year 6 


Students will participate in Drama exercises such as Spot the Spot, Oscar, Key Keeper, Rhythm Detective, Who has the Key?, Class Shapes, Group Shapes, Partner Impro’s, Quatro Impro’s, 8 Impro’s, Mexican Clap and Action Vocab. Drama skills to be covered will be improvisation, voice projection, risk taking, memory, focus, listening, rhythm, beat, concentration, cooperation, spontaneity, problem solving, leadership, quick thinking, respect, responsibility, partner work and trust. 


Well done to Miss Ellis and all the Glee Club Performers at the Easter Parade - a truly wonderful effort!


Students will also consider the History of Theatre:

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