
Character Strengths and Values
This term we have a whole school focus on character strengths and values. Students will develop their understanding of personal strengths and describe how these contribute to family and school life. They will identify communication skills that enhance relationships and strengthen these through a range of activities. Students will be introduced to our core school values, develop an understanding of how these are demonstrated at BRPS and how these can strengthen the learning and wellbeing of students, staff and our community.
Our first whole school focus has been on Kindness. Through discussions, activities, podcasts, books, videos and affirmations, students have explored the character strength of kindness and its impact on ourselves and those around us. Our Student Wellbeing Captains spoke wonderfully about the importance of kindness at Monday's assembly and shared examples of what this can look like at BRPS.
Wellbeing and Art Collaborative Project
Our Student Wellbeing and Art Captains are working on a collaborative project to promote our school values, support social and emotional learning and to help make BRPS a welcoming and inclusive environment. More information about this coming soon!
Davina Dibbs