Work Based Learning 

Abby Mulquiny

Charlton College Structured Workplace Learning Program provides students with an opportunity to link with local businesses and learn lifelong skills for future employment.


This week we would like to showcase Saxon Steel, our Year 12 student who is currently completing his Structured Workplace Learning placement each Wednesday at the Charlton Neighbourhood House Opportunity Shop. Last week Saxon also supported Charlton Neighbourhood House where he worked alongside his peer Aleha O’Connor.


Saxon has been sorting donations, cleaning and serving customers. Last week Saxon upskilled at Charlton Neighbourhood House by using a computer program called Canva.


NCLLEN is dedicated to supporting Charlton College students with work-based learning opportunities. This partnership offers students valuable opportunities to build important skills for their future careers.


Thank you, Charlton Neighbourhood House, for hosting our students where they can learn and support community projects.