Years F-6 Coordinator

Bailey Kemp

F-6 Key Dates



Thurs9thCalder Winter Sports (Yr 3-6)
Fri17thNCD Cross Country
Tues28thLMR Cross Country
Mon10thKing’s Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Mon- Fri17th – 21stYr 5-6 Urban Camp

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 2

Sandhurst Division Cross Country Bendigo

Charlton College had representation down at the division cross country in Bendigo. Wally, Campbell, Tom, Don, Archer, Tom, Sam, Marley, Shalmain and Lacey completed the 2 and 3km track around the racecourse in the beautiful sunshine. All competitors did an amazing job representing the school and should be extremely proud of their efforts on the day.

Little Red Hen (Foundation)

Foundation received a letter from the little red hen asking if they would help her make some bread.

REMINDER: Calder Winter Sports (Thursday 9th May)

A reminder for all 3-6 parents/guardians to please sign the digital copy of the note on Compass before school tomorrow. Please ensure students bring the appropriate clothing and equipment for their chosen sport. 


Stars of the Week

Foundation: Ruby – for her growth mindset towards her learning.

Year 1 & 2: Maisie - for her positive attitude towards numeracy.


Monday Assembly Reading Awards

25 Nights reading: Ned

100 Nights reading: Ashton