Dates to Remember
Friday 24th
Interschool Sport: Year 5-6
3pm: Year 2 Xylophone performance during assembly
Tuesday 28th
Year 1 Excursion to Melbourne Museum - bug exhibition
Friday, 29th
Monash Waverley Division Cross Country - for Grade 3-6 students who qualified for this event
Foundation Incursion, World Cultural Day of Dance
Friday, 31st
Interschool Sport: Year 5-6
3pm: Year 4 Recorder performance during assembly
Friday, 7th
Interschool Sport: Year 5-6
3pm: Year 3 Recorder performance during assembly
Friday, 14th
Interschool Sport Gala Day: Year 5-6
Monday, 17th
Foundation excursion to Oakleigh library
Thursday, 20th
3-4pm: Second Hand Uniform Stall - everything between $1-$2
Friday, 21st
Interschool sport: Year 5-6
Wednesday, 26th
Year 5 & 6 Excursion to Scienceworks
Thursday, 27th
Multicultural Festival Day
Friday, 28th
Interschool sport: Year 5-6
Last day of Term 2
Monday, 15th
Curriculum Day
Term Dates 2024
Term 2: 15th April - 28th June
Term 3: 15th July - 20th September
Term 4: 7th October - 20th December