Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health holds profound significance for primary school families, as it directly impacts the wellbeing and development of both parents and children. For parents, maintaining good mental health enables them to effectively navigate the demands of parenthood, from managing household responsibilities to providing emotional support for their children. It equips them with the resilience needed to handle the inevitable challenges and stresses that come with raising a family. 

 Parents who prioritise their mental health serve as positive role models for their children, demonstrating healthy coping mechanisms and fostering open communication about emotions. For children, a supportive family environment that prioritises mental health promotes emotional stability, self-esteem, and academic success. It provides them with a secure foundation from which to explore the world, form meaningful relationships, and develop essential life skills.

Investing in the mental health of primary school families not only strengthens family bonds but also lays the groundwork for the wellbeing of future generations.


For further resources- Please click the link for the Mental Health Toolkit

 Parents and carers – mental health and wellbeing toolkit | (