Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


6M Class Mass

6M will be leading the Stage 3 Mass this Friday, 17 May at 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church. All are welcome to attend the Mass on Friday. 

The Sacrament of Confirmation 

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Sunday 23 June at the 9:00am Mass

All information packs for the Sacrament of Confirmation have been handed out or were collected at the information meetings. 

Students need to enrol in the Sacrament of Confirmation by attending one Mass on Saturday 18 May at 5:30pm or Sunday 19 May at 9am if they were unable to attend last weekend.

Pentecost Sunday 

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. The feast of Pentecost celebrates the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples and energising them to set about their mission of continuing the ministry of Jesus. The gospel reading is one of the post-resurrection appearances by Jesus when he breathed the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. The use of this post-resurrection gospel account is a reminder that Jesus had already imbued the disciples with the Spirit but, as so often throughout his ministry, they were a bit slow to catch on to the significance of what he had done. It seems that they needed a more tangible experience to jolt them into action and Acts records the very physical experience of the Spirit entering their midst as a roaring wind before settling upon them as tongues of flame. Jesus had breathed the Spirit upon them but it took the roaring wind to make a real impression on the disciples. There are frequent references in the gospels to Jesus being ‘filled with the Spirit’. It is this Spirit with which he was filled that he breathed upon his disciples; it is that same Spirit that we receive sacramentally in Confirmation.

For the weeks following the death of Jesus the disciples had lived in fear and confusion, not fully understanding what had happened and not really knowing what to do. When they realised that the Spirit Jesus had breathed upon them was really present and urging them to action they finally had the courage to begin the mission that Jesus had entrusted to them: to spread the Good News of Jesus and continue to realise his message in the world.

Reflection by Greg Sunter

School Mass Times

Please note that school Mass times are now 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages should not be brought into the church.

Sacred Heart Mass Times

5:30pm Saturday evenings (please note change of Mass time for Winter months)

9:00am Sunday mornings

For the Calendar

Term 2 2024

Friday 17 May 

- 6M Mass 9:30am at SHC

Friday 24 May 

- Year 2 Liturgy 9:30am at SHC

Catholic School Week - Week 5

27 - 31 May

Wednesday 29 May 

- Trinity Mass HTS Hall 9:15am

- Founders Day Activities

- Picnic Lunch

Thursday 30 May

CSW Mass Armidale - selected Year 10 students

Friday 7 June 

- 6D Mass 9:30am at SHC

Friday 14 June 

- 1E Liturgy 9:30am at SHC

Friday 21 June 

- No Mass

Sunday 23 June 

- Confirmation 9:00am at SHC

Friday 28 June 

- Year 8 Mass 9:30am at SHC

Friday 5 July 

- Pupil Free Day - End of Term 2


Enjoy your week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator