Assistant Principal's Report
Georgia Despotellis
Assistant Principal's Report
Georgia Despotellis
This week we welcomed another new staff member to our team, Ebony Barber. Ebony will be teaching 1A on Thursday and Friday for the rest of the year. We thank Nuala Martin for her work and for stepping in for Ebony for the first couple of weeks of Term 2.
Anzac Day commemorates the day the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC) landed on the shores of Gallipoli on April 25, 1915, during World War I. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our CSPS Drum Corps who marched in the Anzac Day Parade. It was amazing! You did us proud as you represented our school beautifully. Thank you to Sandy Hood and all our parents and students for your support and commitment. Our students looked very smart in their new uniforms.
The last rehearsal before Anzac Day!
Our teachers participate in professional learning at least twice a week. Since last year, our teachers have worked under the guidance and expertise of Stephanie Sim and David Mackay to continue to develop and refine our mathematics approach, on the path to becoming experts in mathematics teaching and learning. Our teachers were asked to take their learning back into the classroom and put in practice their new knowledge, strategies and to experiment with some different lesson delivery/approaches. Last week the staff were comfortable to be vulnerable, which is necessary for learning to occur (for both adults and children). Our teachers were asked to present their learning and reflections to their colleagues. I am consistently proud of the dedication and commitment our teachers show each and every day! It was another proud moment.
Facing stressors is a fact of life, for children and for adults. These strategies can help keep stress in check:
How can parents help?
Here is an activity for Prep students:
Please see link to access activities for students in other year levels.
parents-wellbeing-activities-primary.pdf (
We look forward to the Mother’s Day Breakfast and the luncheon next week. Thank you to the PA for all your work with these events.
With the cooler weather ahead of us, please ensure that all your children’s belongings such as jackets, jumpers etc are clearly labelled! If you are missing any pieces of clothing, please have a look at the growing pile of lost property we have at the school.
Georgia Despotellis
Assistant Principal