Mental Health & Wellbeing in Primary Schools

Lily Van Dyk

Hi everyone!


My name is Lily and I am the Mental Health Wellbeing Leader here at BNW. My role is to build capacity within the whole school in regard to mental health and wellbeing, to provide support to staff so they can better identify and support students with mental health needs, as well as putting in place clear pathways for referrals for students requiring assessment and intervention.


As I am still relatively new to the school I have spent much of term 1 getting to know the processes and programs that are already in place. We have started assessing the areas the school might need to focus attention to and have started improving processes around the way teachers record student wellbeing incidents on Sentral.


There will be new goals and changes coming throughout the rest of this year and into the future. I look forward to sharing these with you through the newsletter.


If you see me around please come and introduce yourself and say hi. I work alternative Wednesdays (even-numbered weeks) as well as every Thursday and Friday.