General Information & Reminders

PE/Sport - Winter sports are AFL football, soccer, handball, softball, netball and hockey. All students must be at school by 8:30 am to board buses and have with them, appropriate uniforms/sports tops and equipment. Mouth guards are required for AFL and hockey and are recommended but optional for handball. Please ensure that consent has been provided on Compass. Team coaches will occasionally require parent volunteers and we appreciate you giving your time when possible. 


Homework- As a general guide we suggest a maximum of  40 minutes of homework on school nights, but we understand each family is different and this is at your discretion. We ask that 20 minutes of this 40 minutes of time be spent reading on each school night and that students record their daily reading in their diaries with at least one parent signature for the week. Apart from reading, homework might include inquiry (such as designing currency), completing maths revision and spelling practise. 


Performing Arts- Whilst winter clothes are in store, please source a BASE costume for our circus performance which will be in August.  

All students need PLAIN (no logos) long black pants (leggings/skins/jeggings) and a long black top – like a tshirt with long sleeves. 

In August it may be difficult to source such items hence we suggest you organise them early.