
Purpose    I    Positive Emotions    I   Relationships   I   Meaning    I    Accomplishment

This term our students will continue to explore well being through a combination of circle time and stand alone activities. The Wellbeing program will be delivered through scheduled Visible Wellbeing and Respectful Relationships lessons. We will focus in on problem solving strategies and emotional management such as positive coping strategies and positive self talk.  Extra sessions will be delivered on a needs basis. We will also launch our 2024 Upstanders program and students will have an opportunity to apply to be an Upstander. Upstanders is a program run in conjunction with other Bayside schools and Bayside Council that helps the students to learn strategies that they can use to encourage inclusivity and stand up or help those who need it. Click on this video here to see a glimpse of previous years Upstanders project which culminated in an art exhibition.