
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability


The major numeracy assessment tool at Hampton PS is a school-wide digital resource called Essential Assessment. This resource does not require an app but the Essential Assessment icon can be added to the home screen of any iPad for easy reference. This resource allows teachers to set pre-assessments in any area of maths. Assigned tasks are automatically set for skills that were not evident in the pre-tests. This allows for individual differentiation and helps class teachers to set the direction of focused group and whole class teaching and learning. The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to the 3 strands of Mathematics. Our focus this term -

Number and Algebra - The students will be focusing on multiplication and division in the first half of this term. We will then launch into financial mathematics, which will include the use of all operations and the balancing of budgets.

Statistics and Probability -This term we will continue to focus on describing probability, as well as analysing data using mean, median, mode and range. We will also continue to focus on creating graphs and tables to represent data.

Measurement and Geometry - We are focusing on the measurement of area, perimeter, volume, mass and capacity. We will also have a strong focus on geometry, particularly the identification of a wide variety of 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional objects.