
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening


Reading - We will focus on independent reading, as well as comprehension strategies. A proportion of our reading comprehension will connect to our Economics Inquiry unit. We will be focusing on non-fiction texts and their different purposes, structure and features. Whilst students use a range of strategies when they read, we'll be working with the students on specifically improving our skills when summarising, analysing text features, synthesizing new knowledge with old and making inferences. We are also developing students’ stamina and understanding when independently reading and they will be encouraged to apply the strategies to their own text choices and associated tasks during independent reading, utilising our new Year 5 Library. We will continue to read our class novel Wonder (R.J Palacio) as well as a range of texts, including information texts, picture story books for older readers and non-fiction texts linked to our inquiry unit. 

It is important that your child has a ‘just right novel’ for sustained, independent reading at school. They will be encouraged to borrow this from the class or school library, or bring one from home if they prefer.


Writing - We will be exploring a wide variety of different text types and using features such as structure, language, literary devices, etc. We will begin with a strong focus on the writing of information texts. In spelling, we will focus predominantly on the understanding and application of spelling rules. In grammar, we will focus on identifying parts of speech and the correct use of a variety of punctuation.


Speaking and Listening - As a follow on from our Term 1 public speaking program, the students will continue to get opportunities to present in front of the class or cohort. This will lead into our formal debating program in Semester Two.