Year 3/4 Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Year 3/4 Overview        

Marisa Box

Rebecca Stuart


Welcome back to all of our year 3/4 families. We hope that you all had the chance to rest and enjoy some family time over Easter and during the school holidays.


This term promises to be an action packed eleven weeks with many events including Kaboom Sports Incursion, Grandparents and Special persons Day, First Eucharist and a Family Bush Dance. Please add the following dates to your diary.


Important Dates

April 20/21 - Year 4 Commitment Masses

April 23 - Eucharist retreat day (Year 4 only Free dress)

April 25 - ANZAC Day

April 26 - School Closure Day

April 29 - School Closure Day

May 1 - Grandparents/Special Friends Day

May 4- Year 4 First Eucharist Celebrations

May 6 - Kaboom Sport Incursion

May 9, Thursday - National Walk to School Day

May 10, Friday - Mother’s Day Breakfast and Stall

May 20 - Wellbeing Week

June 10 - Public Holiday

June 11 - School Closure Day -Professional Development

June 12 - Yr 3/4 Gala Day

June 21 - Bush Dance and Family Evening

June 28 - Final assembly at 12:15

June 28 - Last day of term - 1pm finish

Religious Education

This term many of the Year Four students will be celebrating their First Eucharist. All year 3/4 students are learning about the meaning of the Eucharist and how it connects to the last supper and our lives today. Our rich question in RE/Inquiry this term is ‘How does courage influence a healthy lifestyle?’ 

We will be looking at the old and new testament, including parables and proverbs and how people in these bible stories made choices to be more like God. We will be immersed in Imaginative prayer again this term, focusing on courageous people that chose to do God's work.



This term in Number and Algebra, we will be focusing on Fractions and Multiplication. Students will be learning about modelling and representing fractions including halves, quarters, thirds and fifths. They will also be investigating equivalent fractions and making connections between fractions and decimals. 

We will then move to a focus on measurement, specifically in the area of 3D objects, perimeter and area. 




This term we have begun our learning through mentor texts.  Some of the skills we will learn are the study of vocabulary, the writing process and a deeper understanding of the texts. Our first text is 'Stellaluna' by Janell Cannon, followed by 'Dog Lost' by Jan Ramage.

Social & Emotional Learning

This term in SEL, students will continue to learn and roleplay examples of the Positive Behaviour for Learning matrix (PBL). This includes teaching and modelling positive behaviour when moving to a different room, going to the toilet, during meditation and during our play breaks.


The main focus in Inquiry learning this term is Biology. The Year 3/4 students will be focusing on Health, with the overarching question being,

 ‘How does courage influence a healthy lifestyle?’ 

We will investigate how the media portrays what's healthy and how it influences our food choices.  The students will research how physical activity and physical fitness affect our health and wellbeing.


Homework will continue each fortnight in the same format as last term. 


Please see the timetable below for specialist lessons. Students will be required to wear their sport uniform on Thursdays and Fridays. Students will also need to bring in their library bag and books on Tuesdays.



Thursday (Sports Uniform)


(Sports Uniform)

Library - 3/4A & 3/4B       


PE skills based lesson - 3/4A & 3/4B



Performing Arts - 3/4A & 3/4B


Chinese - 3/4A & 3/4B


Visual Arts - 3/4A & 3/4B


Class sport  - 3/4A & 3/4B


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on the above email addresses.


Thanks for all your support,


Rebecca Stuart and Marisa Box


Marisa Box

Rebecca Stuart