Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday 24th May 2024

00ANomination 1: Everly  - for your wonderful presentation of your ‘All About Me’ bag. We loved learning more about you! You are a superstar Everly!
Nomination 2: Arlo - for being a kind friend to everyone in Prep A! We are so lucky in our class! Great work Arlo!



Nomination 1: Louis - for showing kindness by helping a friend down from the playground. We are so lucky to have an amazing friend like you in Prep B Louis!
Nomination 2: Eloise - for confidently sharing her special items during her ‘All About Me’ presentation. We loved learning more about you and your family Eloise. You are a superstar!
00CNomination 1: Saiba - for always striving to be the best learner you can be and giving all new tasks a go. Keep up the amazing effort Saiba! 
Nomination 2: Kairi - for being an awesome mathematician when doing our patterns. I love how you were able to repeat your patterns on your octopus. Keep up the awesome work!
00DNomination 1: Clay - for being a kind friend and helping a classmate settle in to the day. Prep D are lucky to have you in our class!
Nomination 2: Max - for working so well during our unit on patterns. Well done Max, you created a wonderful pattern using nature. You are a Maths Whiz! 
1ANomination 1: Thomas - for working so hard to manage big feelings.  You are doing so well!  Everyone in 1A is here to support and encourage you!
Nomination 2: Jedidiah - was nominated for being a good friend to others, always including people and being a good sport!





Nomination 1: Ayush - for your continual effort and participation during our Heggerty learning. It is wonderful to see you engaged by following the actions and using a strong voice to break apart words into their sounds. Well Done!
Nomination 2: Josephine - for your incredible perseverance and design skills during the STEM tower challenge. It was amazing to see you create a tower that was almost as tall as you on your own. What an absolute star!





Nomination 1: Ayush - for your continual effort and participation during our Heggerty learning. It is wonderful to see you engaged by following the actions and using a strong voice to break apart words into their sounds. Well Done!
Nomination 2: Josephine - for your incredible perseverance and design skills during the STEM tower challenge. It was amazing to see you create a tower that was almost as tall as you on your own. What an absolute star!



Nomination 1: Zen - for your carefully written recount about a special day with your mum. I loved reading about your bike riding day. 
Nomination 2: Daisy - for your excellent concentration during Mathematics. You are an addition expert! Keep up the great work. 
1ENomination 1: Katie - for your excellent recount on a special memory with your mum. You wrote with such great detail. Excellent work Katie!
Nomination 2:  Asher - for your excellent work in maths. You are doing such a great job at addition




Nomination 1: Khloe - you have been nominated by 2A for being a kind, funny, curious learner, good drawer and a respectful and responsible student.
Nomination 2: Layla - for always putting a 100% effort into all her tasks and giving everything a go. Keep up the awesome work Layla!



Nomination 1: Asher - for all your hard work and focus in class this week and striving to achieve your personal best. Well done!
Nomination 2: Paige - for being a wonderful and caring member of our class. It is so lovely seeing you show kindness everyday.
2CNomination 1: Lacey M - nominated by her classmates for being a kind and respectful friend, who always tries really hard with her learning. They love how sporty you are as well.
Nomination 2: Rosalie C - nominated by your teachers because we are so proud of all the progress you are making in improving your reading and writing. You always listen carefully and put your best effort into your work. Keep it up!
2DNomination 1: Livvy T - nominated by her peers for being a fun and helpful friend who includes everyone and is a great learner, taking turns, cooperating and listening to her classmates and teachers.
Nomination 2: Blaine W - for an excellent attitude to all aspects of school, wonderful responsibility and always listening to feedback from others.



Nomination 1: Inara - for helping others when they are feeling sad or if they need any help during class learning time. 
Nomination 2: Anton - for cheering classmates up when they are feeling sad and being a kind and gentle person to talk to. 
3BNomination 1: Aryash - for always being such a kind and strong friend. Your friends are lucky to have you, never change!
Nomination 2: Chloe - for working so hard on her resilience. No matter what comes your way, you put a huge smile on your face and push through. I am very proud of you!



Nomination 1: Joshua G - nominated for your incredible effort in Dibels testing. It is awesome to see you pull together all the attributes that make you a Great Ryrie PS Learner!
Nomination 2: Elena S M - it has been fantastic to see you actively contribute to class discussion consistently being respectful and a learner and assisting your peers. Keep it up!!!
4ANomination 1: Nivie- nominated by 4A for always showing your kind and caring nature to others, and being a wonderful learner, always striving to do your best. Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Jacob - for your positive attitude towards all learning tasks and taking on feedback to improve your learning. Keep up the wonderful work!
4BNomination 1: Emmanuel - for your enthusiasm and participation in class activities. We have loved hearing more from you as your confidence has grown!
Nomination 2: Tluang Te - for being a kind and supportive friend to your classmates. You are always looking out for others, making sure they are okay and lending a supportive hand if they need it!
5ANomination 1: Jess L - for your positivity, enthusiasm and awesome climbing skills at camp.
Nomination 2: Daniel M - for your positivity, enthusiasm and awesome climbing skills at camp.
5BNomination 1: Adam T - for showing perseverance and a positive attitude to all challenges at camp.
Nomination 2: Aubrey K - for giving all challenges a go at camp and displaying courage and commitment to all activities.



Nomination 1: Aiden E - for bringing and using so much willingness and courage at camp. You were amazing. Well done buddy, I am so proud of you!
Nomination 2: Jessica L - for being a respectful and responsible camper. I loved your positive attitude at camp, giving everything a go as well as encouraging those around you. Well done!




Nomination 1: Lachie P - for quietly taking care of his friends and being kind and considerate at all times 
Nomination 2: Sarah Swincer - for using her strategy of walking to improve her mood at camp. You did a great job regulating your emotions!
6BNomination 1: Mung Pi - for giving things a go on camp and encouraging his friends to do the same. Well done!
Nomination 2: Jasmine - for facing fears on camp and showing resilience in difficult situations. You’re a gem!



Nomination 1: Melki (3B) - for your active participation and tried your best to show the school values during Indonesian! So proud of you, Melki! 
Nomination 2: Indie P (3B) - For always doing your best in Indonesian! You are an amazing learner, Indie! Keep it up!
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Tucker M 1A - for being so willing to share your knowledge of music notation and writing amazing, accurate rhythms.
Nomination 2: Elise M 4B - for demonstrating an excellent understanding of ‘musical maths’ and how this relates to time signatures.
Physical Education Nomination 1: Jack F (1D) for displaying excellent listening and for using excellent strategy in a kicking game.
Nomination 2: Lenny M (4A) for displaying excellent hockey skills and making fantastic passes and shots at goals in games.

Science & Technology



Nomination 1: Joseph T - for consistently listening to and following instructions perfectly and for having the most excellent manners. You are such a pleasure to teach!
Nomination 2: Isabel R - for always being an exceptional role model and a leader. You consistently uphold our school values in everything that you do which makes you an absolute pleasure to teach.