Principals' Message
Dear Parents,
As we write our last newsletter for 2024 we are so grateful for the support and encouragement our community has given us over this most different of years. COHR is a wonderful place to work and we are blessed by the people who give so much to enable all our students to flourish.
As we look forward to 2025 and the welcome we are going to give Aimee, our new Principal, we are sure that the warmth of support and encouragement we have felt will be shared with Aimee Gale by all.
To Brian we wish you all the best as you face the new challenges at St Andrew’s Clayton, as their Principal. As you leave we wish you all the best in your future endeavours, as we trust that the next steps will bring new challenges, opportunities and successes.
Thank you for your time at COHR.
2025 Student Leadership
Throughout Term 4 our Year 5s have been experiencing our COHR Leadership Program. The culmination of this are the applications and the speeches for student leadership positions for 2025.
Our Year 5 s, Year 4s and staff vote for the students who have nominated themselves for the positions. We are so pleased to announce our Student Leaders for 2025. We are sure they do us all proud as they represent COHR.
School Captains
Amelia & Jordan
Faith Leaders
Mila & Zara
Learning Leaders
Alyssa & Eli
Kinnaird (Blue) House Captains
Taj & Gisele
O’Brien (Red) House Captains
Vivien & Olivia
Slattery (Green) House Captains
Dante & Lucas
Watson (Gold) House Captains
Serena & Stephanie
School Fees 2025
School fees are set each year based on MACS directions in consultation with the Principal, Business Manager and School Advisory Council. Any increases are kept to a minimum.
Attached is the 2025 Fee Schedule. Fee notices will be sent out early in Term 1. Please note if you do hold a concession card, share it with the office as soon as possible, so your fee statement will reflect the fee concession.
We would be grateful if any 2024 outstanding fees were paid, or please contact the office to make alternate arrangements.
Last newsletter we indicated that reports were going to be sent home in a digital format. We have experienced technical difficulties with the program we use, so we are sending a paper copy home tomorrow. If you require a digital one, then please email the office and they can return email a digital copy.
To those families leaving us we wish you all the best and thank you for all you have given to COHR. To our Year 6s who celebrate their Graduation Mass and Ceremony tonight, we wish only good things as you approach the adventure of Secondary School, knowing that you are ready and will forever be a welcome member of our community.
Finally, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a new year full of rich blessings, ever thankful for our COHR Community. Good luck and God bless.
Brian Martin (Lead Principal) &
Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal)