Principals' Message

Dear Families,


Welcome to the 2025 School Year. It is with great enthusiasm that we commence our journey together for 2025 and look forward to a year full of exciting learning opportunities, community building and connection. Thank you for the warm welcome I have received over the past few days. As soon as I stepped into Christ Our Holy Redeemer I could sense the amazing community spirit that I had heard so much about. It is fantastic to finally begin to meet everyone and get to know our community. I will be in the courtyard in the mornings and afternoons so please pop by and say hello. 


A special welcome to our new students and families. Our prep students have settled in wonderfully and are already beginning to feel right at home. It has been a joy to watch them explore, make new friends, and get into the rhythm of school life. We warmly welcome our new students in other levels, Dimitri (Yr 2), Jasmine (Yr 3), Olivia (Yr 5) and India (Yr 5). 


This year we have two new staff members in Year 1/2, Miss Shari Virgona (1/2S) and Mr Luke Blain (1/2B). Starting at a new school is always an exciting time, and we are so happy to have them as part of our vibrant school family.


We are active partners in the education process of your children and we invite you to be involved by sharing your ideas, encouragements and any concerns you may have with us. It is in this way we are able to provide the best possible learning environment for your child and we can work together to inspire in each student a sense of confidence and a resolute determination to be the best they can be. 


If you have a concern about your child’s learning or friendships, your first approach should be to your child’s classroom teacher.  If you wish to discuss the matter further after discussion with the teacher, please contact me and we will make a suitable time to discuss your concerns. 


Beginning of School Year Prayer

The Journey Begins -

As we step into this new school year

restore our spirits.

Renew our passion for sharing your wisdom

and nurture our compassion

for those in need of greater support.

Help us listen more deeply 

to the world and to your Word

so we can be light to those in our care

attentive to the Wisdom that 

calls us all to the Kingdom of God.

Let our light shine in 2025.


Gospel Reflection

The fishermen (Simon, James, and John) leave their fishing boats and follow Jesus. Luke 5:1-11

In the Gospel for this coming Sunday, we hear Jesus call some fisherman to discipleship. Peter and his companions were skilled fisherman. They had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. Jesus suggests they go out into the deep water and let down their nets. The result was beyond their expectations. They could hardly hold the catch in their nets. This was a test of faith in Jesus. Being overwhelmed by what had happened, Peter knows he is present before the power of God himself. He feels unworthy and says: “Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.” But Jesus said, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.’ Then bringing their boats back to land, they left everything and followed him. 


Like the fishermen, we are called to discipleship. God is speaking to us and calling us into action. We are invited to spread the Good News and be an example to others by the way we respond to Jesus’ teaching in our everyday lives. We are all worthy of this mission because it is God who is calling us.

Beginning of the Year Whole School Mass

We have our beginning of the year whole school mass tomorrow at 10:15am with Fr Raju. We warmly invite all families to attend. Our Year 6 students and Year 6 leaders will be receiving their badges as a sign of their leadership throughout the year. 

Baby News - Tanya Ticca

I am very happy to share the news that Benjamin Mark Ticca was born Thursday 23rd January at 7.16am. Both Tanya and Benjamin are doing very well. We wish Tanya and her family all the best as they enjoy this special time together. 


Parent Association

This year we are calling on all parents to help out with the Parent Association events and fundraisers. If we can work together, share the load and get as many people involved as possible we will continue to build a strong community and all of our events will continue to be a huge success. Please read the Parents Association page of the newsletter each week to see how you can help out. 

Prep Open Days

We are starting to take enrolments for Prep 2026 and have our first Open Days on Tuesday February 11th, Thursday February 20th and Wednesday 19th March. We would love to have as many people as possible come through for a tour. If you know anyone looking for a school for Prep 2026 or 2027, please pass on our details and encourage them to come in for a tour. 

We will be visiting St John's, Guardian and 3Bees Kinders this Term so keep an eye out of us. We would also like to post some flyers in as many places as possible. If you own a business or have a connection to a space where we could hang a flyer please let the office know so we can give you a flyer. 

Parent Teacher Interview Chats

Parent Teacher Interview Chats are happening in Week 4. The purpose of these meetings is to give parents a chance to introduce their child to the teacher, explaining any relevant information such as health, academic, social or emotional information or general information about the family. To sign up for a time please visit the following link:

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

We invite all parents and grandparents to help out with our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) program this term. SAKG is so successful because we have been lucky enough to have the support of the community. You are more than welcome to sign up for just your child's class or to help with other classes as well. To sign up, please use the following link:

Cricket Blast - Free Cricket Program for Girls

We are inviting all girls to sign up for our free Cricket Blast program at COHR that will run for 4 weeks starting on Tuesday February 18th. For more details and to sign up visit the following link:

Assessment Days

Christ our Holy Redeemer focuses on individual student achievement so that each child can reach their own learning potential. We have a great team of dedicated professionals who strive to provide a learning environment to enhance knowledge and understanding, critical thinking and problem solving. I thank all our staff for the preparation they have completed to ensure a brilliant start to the school year. 


Our assessment days have provided staff with the opportunity to meet each student one on one and help them settle in ready for the new school year. Students were able to see their new classrooms, where they need to place their bags and which desk they will be using. Teachers began to gather data about each individual student to inform our teaching and learning programs for Term 1.  Our prep students will have their assessment times on Wednesday's throughout February. 

Prep Family Pizza Night

Our Prep Family Pizza Night on Tuesday was a lovely chance for the prep families to come together and connect. We had a great turn out despite the warm weather and the evening was a great success. 

Don't forget to sign up for the instrumental program:

It was great to hear how well our Year 6s from last year are settling into Secondary School. Our girls at Sacred Heart gathered, as did their parents, to celebrate their first day, forever a part of the COHR Community. We wish all of our past students a fantastic start to 2025.


  • As the warm weather continues, it is timely to remind everyone that hats must be worn until the end of April. 
  • Parent Information Evenings will be held online next week. You can find the Google Meet links on our parent calendar - Prep (Tuesday 11th 6:30pm), 1/2 (Wednesday 12th 6:30pm), 3/4 (Tuesday 11th 7:30pm), 5/6 (Monday 10th 6:30pm)
  • A reminder that the school gates open at 8:30am and children are supervised from this time on. There is no supervision before 8:30am and it is unsafe for families to arrive before this time. If your child is walking to school it may take a few days to work out the best time to leave home in order to arrive after 8:30am. Please check in and make sure they are not arriving before supervision begins. 



On behalf of our Christ Our Holy Redeemer community I wish everyone a happy and successful 2025. Our hope is that this year will be an enjoyable and memorable one for you all. 


Let us make a special effort to make everyone feel welcomed and supported as we begin this new school year together. 


Aimee Gale
