R.E. News

Next Tuesday 11th of February at 9:15am we will be celebrating our beginning of school Mass. During this Mass, our 2025 student leaders will receive their badges blessed by Fr. Binh. All families are invited to attend this celebration.


During the year, we will have the opportunity to celebrate prayer services and Masses, including the Sacraments in our class levels. Please check the newsletter for the dates of these and other special events and celebrations.

Jubilee Year of  2025: Pilgrims of Hope

This year is the year of the Jubilee in the Catholic Church. A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope. The theme for the 2025 Jubilee on Pilgrims of Hope.

Meet ‘Luce’: The Vatican’s cartoon mascot for Jubilee 2025

The official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: ‘Luce’ (Italian for light), a cartoon pilgrim dressed in a yellow raincoat and mud-stained boots, wearing a missionary cross and holding a pilgrim’s staff. Luce’s glowing eyes feature the shape of scallop shells, a traditional symbol of pilgrimage and hope.


The mascot was inspired by the Church’s desire ‘to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth’. Fr. Binh gave our school our own Luce Mascot which you will see around our school. 


Our Sacramental Program this year will involve a commitment to the Sacrament your child will be receiving. The commitment includes: completing the home program, the attendance at a family night and receiving the Sacrament. We will be sending a note home with children who will be receiving the Sacraments this year. The proposed dates for the Sacraments are listed below. 



Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6): Saturday 28th June at 1:00 pm



Sacrament of Eucharist (Year 4): Sunday 10th August at 10:00 am (Sunday Parish Mass). 



Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3): Tuesday 21st August (Time TBC)


Lucas Mangani

RE Leader