Principal's Message

Watch us Thrive in 2025!
Greeting the students on the first day of school in the yard and watching them embrace each other and reconnect after a long summer holiday was such a pleasure to see. I heard stories of holiday adventures including ship cruises, travelling to India and lazy days at home playing cricket in the backyard and playing with friends.
There has been a genuine buzz of excitement all week and once again it reminded me of what a special place we belong to here at SMDP.
Our school theme this year is ‘Watch us Thrive in 2025”, and we are looking forward to observing every student at SMDP thriving academically and socially this year.
Our new preps started last Friday full of enthusiasm and excitement.
To our new prep parents, a very warm welcome, and to all our other parents, it is great to see you back ready for a new year ahead. Our Preps have only been here for a few days and already they are getting into the swing of things. Thanks parents!
It is very obvious that you have 'talked up' school because beyond a little tear or two, the children are very settled. They are quickly picking up school routines, they are listening to bells and getting themselves to the right place at the right time and they are finding friends in our playground. It's early days but the signs are very promising.
Now it is up to us to continue your work and get the best out of each and every one of them, to allow them to thrive.
SMDP is not just about high academia, it is about creating positive and happy lifetime memories for your child/ren by nurturing social, emotional, and spiritual growth, tailored to each of their needs. We look forward to working in partnership with you in educating your precious children.
Once again I would like to introduce our enthusiastic and hardworking staff of 2025.
Traffic Management at SMDP
As we continue to grow as a school, students safety continues to be paramount.
Our school is different from many other schools as so many of our students arrive and leave each day by car. Very few students walk or ride home.
Therefore, it is vital to follow our traffic management rules, especially at pick up time, to keep our students safe.
Our staff are not employed to be traffic wardens. It is our responsibility, as adults, to follow our safety rules and model good behaviour to our students.
Please take the time to click on the link and watch the video to understand and follow our traffic management system.
Student Leadership at SMDP
“Leadership enables student agency, allows for personal leadership skill development and is a means of developing our community leaders of the future”
Student leaders at SMDP are encouraged to think about ways that they can make our school and their local and global communities better as leadership roles challenge individuals to develop a sense of vision and purpose. They take on responsibilities and use decision making skills in order to carry out a project from start to finish.
Leadership is fundamental to our vision at SMDP. Even though we have Year 6 students with specific leadership roles, we are all leaders in our home, at work and in our community. We are all role models to the people around us. Our words, actions and behaviours are being observed and copied by others, especially our children.
As a proud leader in a Catholic school I am inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to bring God's love to our school. Let us continue to work together to build a community committed to action for justice and peace, promoting the common good and where lifelong learning is celebrated.
At our Opening School Mass on Tuesday 11th February, our Student Leaders for 2025 will be presented to the school community, where their leadership badges are blessed and presented to them.
Captains | Utkarsh & Ciara |
Sport Leaders | Freya, Tanish, Mandela & Ashton |
Sustainability | Erika & Gabrielle |
Wellbeing | Harvey & Mia |
Social Justice Leaders | Vanshika & Lucas Ng |
We wish these students good luck in their new roles and I am sure they will do their best and a little bit more.
Start of Year School BBQ and Picnic
One of our highlights of the year is always our welcoming school BBQ and Picnic. This year it is on Wednesday 26th February. You can bring your own picnic or there are beef/chicken sausages and veggie burgers available for sale.
The BBQ and Picnic will start at 5:30pm and finish at 7:00pm.
Come and catch up with old friends or make some new ones. Make sure you bring gold coins to purchase the BBQ food.
Everyone is warmly welcome. It will be my opportunity to say my final farewell to the school community as well.
SMDP Camp Program
Last year we reviewed our Year Three/Four and Five/Six camping programs in light of increasing costs, risk management and staffing.
Over the past two years, the school has heavily subsidised camp costs making what families pay, be about half the actual costs. Our school finances are unable to sustain this level of support.
Therefore, we have made the decision to continue our Year Five and Six camping program in its current form but redesign what "camp" looks like in Year Three and Four.
Instead of an overnight camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat, these classes will have an extended day excursion to Sovereign Hill leaving school at 8am and returning at 5pm for a shared pizza dinner. Pick up will be at 6:00pm The following year will be another long camp day involving erecting tents and engaging in outdoor activities on site at school.
We believe this will preserve the opportunity for all students to participate in camps when they are in Year five and Six, while still accessing valuable camp-like experiences in Year Three and Four.
Principal Appointment
As you know, my last day at SMDP will be Friday 28th February. MACS has advised me that the principal recruitment process will begin in Term 4 for a 2026 start.
In the interim, Elise Coghlan will be Acting Principal, and Lucas Mangani will be Acting Deputy Principal.
Elise, Lucas, and I are working together to ensure a smooth transition and a successful year ahead.
Our 2025 Staff Structures
PN | Nell Denny |
PA | Ally Dillon |
1C | Caoimhe Donnelly |
1 A | Olivia Allan |
2A | Andrea Jensen (Monday- Thursday) Emily Wong - Friday |
2M | Mhairi Connolly |
3/4N | Nicole Hunter |
3/4K | Kathryn Evans |
3/4L | Lauren Middlebrook (Monday-Wednesday) Marisa Te (Thursday- Friday) Stella Lentini - 3/4 Intervention Teacher |
5/6D | Sarah Dolan |
5/6A | Alli Fisher ( Monday - Thursday) Tessa Scott (Friday) |
5/6S | Simone Whitehead (Monday - Thursday) Nick Woodgate (Friday) Julie Barbey - Intervention 5/6 Teacher |
Our 2025 Specialist Programs
Visual Arts | Jan-Maree Farrugia |
Physical Education | Nick Woodgate |
LOTE (Japanese) & Music | Jane Padden |
Sustainability | Julie Barbey |
STEM | Lucas Mangani/Shaun Lenaghan |
Literacy Intervention | Marlene van der Merwe |
Learning Support Officers | Kerrie Hartman Fenina Reataza Rebecca Ketsakidis Chris Braithwaite Olivia Marris Carolen Lauw Tahlia Read |
Library Technician | Fenina Reataza |
Admin Officer Business Manager Enrolment Officer | Rexi Ninan Debbie Di Genova Fenina Reataza |
Our leadership positions will be made up of:
Dan Ryan | Principal |
Elise Coghlan | Deputy Principal/ Learning and Teaching Leader Acting Principal (When Dan leaves) |
Lucas Mangani | Catholic Identity/Digital Technology Leader |
Lauren Middlebrook | Numeracy Leader |
Marlene Van Der Merwe | Literacy Leader |
Chiara Genovese | Learning Diversity Leader |
Kathy Blythe | Wellbeing, Student Voice & Empowerment Leader |
Simone Whitehead | Community and Partnerships Leader |
Dan Ryan
St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, well-being, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.
Change to Eating Time
2025 - School Closure Days
Listed below are our school closure days for 2025. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures.
Friday 21st March | Staff Professional Learning Day |
Thursday 5th June | Staff Professional Learning Day in RE |
Friday 6th June | Staff completing First Aid Course |
Friday 4th July | Learning Conversation |
Monday 3rd November | Report Preparation and Writing Day |
Friday 5th December | Planning day for 2026 |
NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.