Student Leadership 

Leading to inspire others.

Communication with Assistant Principal, Llew Humphries:


'If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.'

John Quincy Adams


What a fantastic start all students have had in Term One 2025. Students have been developing their understandings of our three school Values - Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. It has been lovely to have our 2025 Foundation students begin full time! They have started their primary school journey off with a positive start.


Firstly, I would like to welcome our four School Leaders for 2025. These students were announced at our final assembly in 2024, and have had the summer holidays to prepare for all the great things that a school leader will be doing. They have already supported foundation students in specialist classes, been responsible for our school flags, led assembly, participated in a photo shoot and collected house points. 


Let's hear from our school captains about what its like being our school leader.


Vyom: Being school captain is very fun, also very nerve - racking, and sometime even a bit tiring. It's great fun to speak at the assemblies and do all the other jobs here and there, but they can easily tire me out and sometimes when I speak in front of the school, I get quite nervous.


Jasper: Being a school captain is fun but nerve-racking at the same time, like personally I love speaking and getting to lead but when I'm in front of people my heart beats fast, but as I said I love to be a leader. Once I heard my name called out on the last assembly of the year, I was relieved,  because I worked so hard to get this position and I was scared I wasn't going to get it. But now I'm grateful for all the people who voted for me, and I'm excited to do more things with the school.


Isla: When I first got nominated for school captain I was so excited but also a bit nervous. The time I have been school captain this year I feel way more confident than I had before and speaking at assembly is so fun! I also feel really responsible after we do the flags and doing jobs.


Judd: Being a school captain is fun, nerve-racking and cool but my favourite thing about being a leader is speaking at assembly. Just before the first assembly I was really nervous but now I know that it's actually really fun and now I am really grateful for the people who trusted me to be one of the school leaders.  


USPS School Leaders-Vyom, Jasper, Isla and Judd

A bit of fun taking photos of our school leaders - for every one good picture was 20 with eyes closed or hair across faces (lol). 

SWPBL Leaders

Our School Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning leadership positions, will be finalised in the coming weeks at school. SWPBL prospective leaders, present a speech to the Year Five/Six cohort and then they are elected after a vote. 

We will be announcing these leaders at an upcoming assembly.


House Leaders 

Our eight House Leaders will also be elected in the coming weeks. Speeches will be presented in front of the students from Year Three - Six in the four different house groups - Mulga, Coolibah, Waratah and Wattle. Leaders will also be announced at an upcoming assembly.


Specialist Leaders

Our Upwey South Specialist Leaders will be selected over the coming weeks. Students will be writing a persuasive text, explaining why they should be that leader and how they can support the teachers and students at Upwey South. They will be selected by the relevant teachers and it will be based on who they believe best fits the role. These will be announced by the specialist teachers.





Thank you to all the parents for assisting with a smooth start to school. The students have settled smoothly into school life and have set great expectations in their classrooms. Please look through the following pages and view the photos, information and Behaviour Matrix's developed individually in the classes. 

I look forward to seeing many of you around the school ground.

Llew Humphries.