Tips from the School Office

SSB (School Saving Bonus)
We have many families that haven't actioned the email they received from SSB in November/December 2024.
If you haven't actioned this we ask that you action it as soon as possible. If you haven't received an email you will need to email SSB directly.
Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The applicant must be one of the following on the first day of Term 1 (28 January 2025) or Term 2 (22 April 2025):
- a parent or carer who is the beneficiary of a financially means-tested card – please refer to the list of eligible cards below
- a temporary foster carer
Applications must be submitted to the school by 4 July 2025.
Where the parent or carer is seeking eligibility based on an eligible financially means-tested card, eligibility will be determined when the relevant concession card successfully validates with Centrelink on either the first day of Term 1 or Term 2.
Please note that all families who received CSEF in 2024 have automatically been uploaded for 2025. For our new families application forms are available from the office or attached below.
Keeping Aware of Information Relating to School
As a school we work hard to keep our families informed of happenings across the school. We acknowledge that receiving information in a timely and consistent manner can help to alleviate the pressures which come from managing a busy family calendar.
The below are short administrative reminders for our school community.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Wanted: We are in need of donations for our Second Hand Uniform (please only school items. No casual clothing).
Second-hand uniform items are donated by families from across our community, and are all in excellent condition. Our shop is located near the school office and is open on Tuesdays during school terms from 3.15pm till 3.45pm. EFT and cash only.
All second-hand items are either $2.00 or $5.00
Keep Up to Date
- We use Compass as our School Portal — it is the way we communicate with families and how we accept payments & parent permissions. The Administration team are happy to help you get started with the website and app if you need assistance.
- Our newsletter is published every three weeks in the Term.
- It is essential that you have an email address for each parent registered with the school. You will receive an email from Compass to notify you of all new updates. If you are not receiving emails, please check to make sure we have it correctly recorded.
Arriving Late and Student early Collection
- Students must be accounted for every school day. If your child is not present in class and we have no explanation, then we will automatically send allfamily members an SMS at 9.30am.
- If your child is going to be away, please notify the school by entering the absence on Compass. All upcoming absences can be made within Compass, whether they be for a day or multiple days. If your child is going to be late this can also be entered within the Compass app. We ask that you please use Compass instead of calling the school on the phone or emailing the school or teacher.
- Students arriving after 8.50am must come to the office for a late pass. Please do not send your child/ren straight to the classroom.
- Please be reminded that if you need to collect your child/ren early, please contact the office when you are five to ten minutes away so we can have them at the office for collection. Please note that it is preferred to collect students before or after a recess break as they may not hear announcements during recess times.
All absences should be recorded via the Compass portal. Instructions below:
Absences can be recorded in advance or on the day.
- Under the students profile
- Add attendance note
Excursions, Incursions & Camps
You will receive notifications of upcoming events through Compass – payment and permissions should be done electronically through Compass.
Parent consent in Compass is mandatory or your child cannot attend.
All supporting documents (e.g: packing lists, schedules) are available through Compass.
School Tours
Tour Date and time: Tuesdays & Thursdays commencing at 9:05am
Please call the office to confirm dates available.
Please feel free to write down any questions you may have, and bring these along with you.
To provide you with an insight into our school’s culture, climate, and curriculum please view our Virtual Tour (best viewed in full screen-mode) by clicking on the link below:
In particular, we encourage you to commit the time to read the School Information Booklet attached below. To assist you in making an informed decision.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders & Sushi orders are available on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and must be ordered via QKR by midnight (12am) the night before delivery. Orders made the morning of the delivery cannot be guaranteed to be delivered.
Klad - School Uniform Shop
Klad is now located at
Unit 4 - 409 Princes Highway, Noble Park.
New business hours as of 1st September 2024
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am - 5.00pm
Friday: - closed
Saturday: 10.00am - 2.00pm
Sunday: - closed
You can also purchase online with free shipping.
Uniform & Lost Property
- We ask that all items that are brought to school are named correctly and clearly for easy identification. (Uniform, Lunch boxes, Drink bottles, School bags, personal clothing etc).
- If you purchase from the Second Hand Uniform shop please rename all items purchased.
- Only bottle green is an accepted colour for shorts, pants and skirts.
- School Hats must been worn from September to May and are available for purchase at Klad Sport or the school office.
- All named lost property will be returned to classroom teachers.
- All unnamed items are kept for the term and then cleared at the end of each term.
BPAY Payments
With the introduction of Compass Education to Upwey South Primary School we will no longer offer BPay as a method of payment. Our existing payment methods are EFT, cheque and cash at the office and QKR for all our fundraising activities will continue.
Staff Carpark
Please DO NOT use the staff carpark as a walking thoroughfare and/or public parking space. Those permitted to use the carpark include staff, Department of Education staff and contractors and families completing a quick drop off or pick up for OSHC.
There have been many near misses and we encourage you to minimise this risk by utilising parking on Morris Rd and Griffiths Rd.
We understand that parking is limited around the school boundary of Upwey South Primary School. Car parking is a Shire of Yarra Ranges concern and does not involve school staff being able to make decisions on the parking around the school.
If you have any feedback about the amount of parking around the school or behaviour of other parents, please direct it to the Shire of Yarra Ranges Council.
Please be advised that we have members of our school community that require the use of the disabled parking spaces that are available. We ask the Upwey South community to please be considerate in your use of parking and do not use these disabled parking spaces unless you have the correct parking pass.
- Reports are available at the end of Term Two and Term Four through Compass. They can be downloaded as PDFs for printing and sharing.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Parent-Teacher Conferences occur twice a year. You can book sessions with all of your children’s teachers through Compass.
Scholastic Book Club
Book Club is posted on Compass. All scholastic Book Club orders are to be completed online via the Loop system. Instructions are always in the catalogue.
Do not send cash to school, the order will be delivered to school. There is also a ‘gift’ option — items will be set aside for collection by parents from the office.
Communicating with the School Administration Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2025, and welcome your input:
Janet Young (Business Manager)
Janette Clarke (Office Manager)