Visual Arts

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."  - MAYA ANGELOU

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2025, and welcome your input:

Danielle Haines (Visual Arts) 

Welcome to a new year in the art room!

I'm so excited for all the amazing things our students are going to create this year. And especially excited because we get to share it with all the families in our ART SHOW!!!!

Once again, we will be filling the gym will an incredible exhibition of student work. Plans are already being made, so get excited!


It's time for art smocks to be brought back in, ready for messy projects. Thank you to those who have already brought them in already. 

Please make sure they have long sleeves and are clearly named.  Students can give these to their classroom teacher. I recommend smocks made from fabric rather than plastic for better protection, and are connected at the back of the neck so they can put it on independently. 

If you do not have an art smock, please don't hesitate to contact me and we can discuss options.

This week, Foundation students entered the art room, some for the first time. There were lots of very excited faces to see all the colours around the art room ready for them to explore in the months to come. We were able to talk about some of the rules in the art room that might be a little bit different than their normal classroom as well as those expectations that might be the same. Students got to learn 'The Art Supplies Song' to help them remember how to look after all their art materials like, putting lids on markers and cleaning up our space. 

They were absolute experts at this, using all the materials responsibly while they drew a worry monster. After reading 'The Very Hungry Worry Monsters' by Rosie Greening, students opened their art books and drew their own worry monster to gobble up any worries they might have. There were worried about monsters monster, a worried about school monster and many more. Check out some of their work below. 

In term one, Foundation students will get an introduction to the elements of art. These are the building blocks essential to help us understand and talk about things we make and see.

Sophie FB
Nova FB
Penny FB
Oliver FB
Edward FB
Parker FB
Lugh FA
Anya FA
Charlie FA
Zali FA
Daniel FA
Daisy FA
Sophie FB
Nova FB
Penny FB
Oliver FB
Edward FB
Parker FB
Lugh FA
Anya FA
Charlie FA
Zali FA
Daniel FA
Daisy FA


Everyone from Year One to Six have started off the year participating in a collaborative artwork. Each student made a plan for a flower design, practicing drawing in their art books and making colour choices. They drew their design on a larger paper and used oil pastels to colour it with bright, solid colours. Students were also able to make choices for the centre of their flower. Some drew unique designs, while others created paper fringes, or painted polystyrene balls to create dimension in their work. 

This week their flowers have started to go up on display with quite a few more waiting for finishing touches to go up in the next week. Students have been excitedly searching for their flower in the display. I have really enjoyed seeing the variety of designs, with no two flowers the same.

In Semester One students will start to focus on specific elements of art, concentrating on how to display their work for an audience.