Languages- Auslan

Australian Sign Language

  Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2025, and welcome your input:

Amanda Oakley (Languages- Auslan)

Shar Stjerne (Languages- Auslan) 



 Term One 2025


We welcome all of the students,  to what we know is going to be a great year of learning for all in 2025. All classes have kicked off with learning (foundation students)  and revising our Auslan classroom expectations. We've been so impressed by how many students have contributed to these discussions and the ideas and suggestions they have shared with us all. 



It has been lovely meeting all of the new foundation students this week. We look forward to sharing photos of their learning in the next newsletter. The foundation students have been discussing our classroom expectations that make our Auslan room a safe learning space. Safe to ask questions and clarify new signs, safe to have a go, and safe to make mistakes. 



On Monday, we spoke about the Auslan language, that it is a sign language for Deaf people, their friends, family and community members. As the year moves on, we will talk more in detail about Auslan, deafness, and the Deaf community. 


Our Auslan room is a fun learning space that incorporates explicit instruction, modelling, games and table top activities. We also watch short stories and video clips with fluent Deaf signers. We would love to hear from any new foundation families that have experience with Auslan and/or that have Deaf signing members in their family or friends circle.


ABC iview has a fantastic program called 'Sally and Possum' that you may have seen. At times we will link our learning to parts of these episodes to consolidate learning. I have included a link to an episode about going to school.


Year One

It was a joy to observe the Year One students coming back into the Auslan classroom. They brought with them, enthusiasm, respect and an eagerness to revise and share signs that they remembered from last year. In our initial couple of lessons they have created a diagram about themselves, including signs about favourite activities, colours and sports that they enjoy. These can be viewed on the display wall outside our Auslan room and will be completed next week.





Year Two

Year Two students have revised familiar signs when completing their 'All about me' sheet. They are learning to understand pictorial diagrams of familiar signs and use these as prompts when signing. Next week they will have the chance to present their work to their peers, either in pairs or in front of the class. Building confidence in signing and communicating in Auslan is a big step, but I know that the Year Two students will do their best in developing this skill over the course of the year.







Year Three and Four

Welcome back Year Four students, and welcome here to the Year Three students. It has been a great start to the year, introducing myself to the year threes as their new Auslan teacher. We started the year by getting to know each other and what the students remember from last year. I have been very impressed with their knowledge of the Auslan alphabet and how everyone is finger-spelling their names and more! 



Year Five and Six

Welcome to the senior classroom. We have had a great start to the year working on our routines, expectations and general preparations for learning this year. New year means new work books, tables, equipment and more. Lots of exciting things to learn and see with our senior students jumping in to start a fresh year.