Year Two

Communicating with the Year Two Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2025, and welcome your input:
When communicating with the Year Two team, please reach out via the below email addresses. Your child's class teacher is your first point of contact when requiring a discussion. You will usually see us outside the classrooms at the end of the day. This is the preferred time to catch us for a quick chat as we are focused on greeting the students before school.
Please also note that we have scheduled meetings at 3.45pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Rebecca Crawford (Class 2A)
Rebecca Hobson (Class 2B)
Welcome Back!
As our third school week for the year comes to an end, we want to extend an official welcome to all of the wonderful families and students in Year Two.
These first few weeks have seen the students reconnecting with friendships, forming routines and habits in the classroom and developing relationships that centre around our school values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESILIENCE.
Positive Behaviours are focused on and are rewarded through House Points and receiving Green Gotchas from the teaching staff.
Other programs that we partner with to enhance the wellbeing of our students and support our SWPBL framework include Let's TALK (helping everybody talk safely), the Berry Street Education Model (which is embedded into everything we do as teachers at USPS) and the Respectful Relationships Program.
Weekly Timetables:
*May alter due to school events
Home Reading
Home reading is commencing in Week Four. Students are required to bring their reading diary and green wallet into school every Monday for book swapping and checking.
*If you no longer have the school green reading wallet, any substitute folder will be fine.
Students will be receiving a diary for recording their nightly reading at the beginning of Week Four. This year, the students will be explicitly taught how to select books to read that are a 'good fit' for their reading ability. This means selecting a book is not too hard, not too easy, but just right. This may take time for some students to get accustomed to selecting their own reading material. As class teachers we will continue to assist with this throughout the school year.
Parent/Teacher Getting to Know You meetings on Tuesday 18th February and Thursday 20th of February.