Understanding Your Child’s School Report

In our last newsletter, we explored how your child is assessed and how those assessments link to Progression Points. This time, we’re diving into how your child’s learning is showcased in their school report. Your child's reports will be published on Sentral next Thursday.

Progression Points

Flip to the third page of the report, and you’ll find a snapshot of your child’s learning journey this semester.

  • Learning Areas: These are the subjects your child has been assessed in this semester.
  • White Dot: Shows where your child was at in Semester 1, 2024. If there’s no white dot, it could mean that your child hasn’t yet achieved all the expected learning at that level or that it wasn’t assessed in Semester 1.
  • Black Dot: Shows their current level.
  • Blue Bar: Represents the expected level for their year.

If your child hasn’t moved forward on the progression points, don’t worry—this will be discussed during your Parent-Teacher Interview in Week 11.

These progression points are based on the Victorian Curriculum standards. Curious to learn more? You can explore these standards on the Victorian Curriculum website. https://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au/ 


Teacher Comment

The teacher’s comment offers a summary of how your child is demonstrating our school values and keystones. While it may touch on learning achievements here and there, this section isn’t meant to be a detailed rundown of Literacy and Numeracy—that’s covered later in the Continuums.

Continuums: The Deep Dive

The Continuums are where things get exciting! They give a clear picture of your child’s progress in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Spanish Literacy, and Mathematics—along with their future goals.

Here’s how they’re laid out:

  • Achieved: These are the skills your child has mastered. As they grow, this section evolves to reflect their new stage of learning.
  • Currently Working On: This is what your child is focusing on right now. Bold statements mean they’ve nailed that particular skill, while non-bold items show areas they’re still working on.
  • Future Learning: A sneak peek into what’s next! You might even see some bold statements here, highlighting skills they’re already starting to grasp.

To see a further breakdown of your child's progress within each learning statement, access the Continuum via the Sentral Portal. This will show the statements colour coded to represent beginning (orange), consolidating (blue) and mastere(green) for each skill. 


Parent-Teacher Interviews

During your Parent-Teacher Interview, we’ll go through the Continuums in detail. It’s the perfect chance to chat about your child’s progress, their strengths, and the exciting goals ahead.


We’re thrilled to partner with you in your child’s learning journey. If you have any questions about the report or need more clarity, feel free to reach out to your child's teacher.


Happy report reading!

Graeme Woodward