Principal's Report

It has been another incredibly busy term at Swinburne Senior. The students have been demonstrating their learning across all areas of the curriculum. Congratulations to Stella Ray who was awarded 3rd prize in the Boroondara Literary Awards- Poetry division, and Daisy Merrifield who won the short story section in the My Brother Jack Awards. Our performing arts students have had numerous evenings performing their solos and group performances in the Cottage Theatre, and our music students performed their work over 2 nights at Kindred Studios.
Elsewhere our VM students have been running a program for the residents at Baptcare in Kew, Charles Davies organised the first Swinny Big Day Out and the Business Management Students completed their Shark Tank program presenting their final pitches to alumni members from industry. This is on top of the creation and display of the artwork that has been generated and displayed around the school including the refurbished gallery.
As always this work is facilitated by the hard work of the staff at Swinburne who have again committed themselves to all that has been achieved this term. Again I thank them for their skill, dedication, and unwavering support of our students.
Daryl Bennett