Library News

from Ms Foley

Term Three is all about Book Week! This year’s theme is 

Book Week, August 19-23, begins with the annual Albany Rise book character parade, where students and staff are encouraged to dress up as their favourite character.  So start thinking now about costumes!!


In the lead up to Book Week, the library is running a number of competitions.  The first is the weekly Name the character or book competition.  Each week, students are encouraged to name the six characters. The entry forms and entry box are available in the library.  Weekly winners will be announced at assembly.


The second competition, which was hotly contested last year, is the dreaded Shredded Book competition.  Again, there will be two shredded books for students to guess their titles.  House points are up for this one – who will be the House winner and take the trophy in 2024? The shredded book competition winners will be announced during Book Week. 


This week in the library in pictures – 


Foundations, Ones, and Twos enjoyed making their 3D apples after reading Grace and Mr Milligan, one of the shortlisted books of the year.