From the Principal's Desk
Principals’ Day: What fabulous days of celebration!
Our school celebrated PRINCIPALS’ DAY on Thursday August 1st and Friday August 2nd and what fabulous days of celebration they were!
Principal’s Day is celebrated in most Victorian Schools and is seen as an opportunity to recognise the contribution principals and assistant principals make to school communities.
Mrs Cottier (our Principal), Miss Jamar (our Assistant Principal and Acting Principal in Mrs Cottier’s absence) and Mrs Orme (our Assistant Principal responsible for Heights Campus), and Mrs Hahesy (who has been Acting Assistant Principal on Springvale Campus whilst Miss Karup was overseas on holidays) were all presented with special crowns, portraits, cards, “survival kits”, plants, a wonderful PowerPoint presentation, glorious bunches of handmade flowers and (most importantly) beautiful words of thanks from the students, staff and parents of Springvale Rise Primary School. Both campuses absolutely excelled themselves and the Principal Team genuinely walked away at the end of the school day feeling appreciated for the work that they do.
But, just as importantly, our students have once again learnt the importance of verbalising their appreciation for the special people in their lives; offering thanks, demonstrating kindness and showing respect.
(Oh and they didn’t forget the wonderful as she was given her very own personalised celebration on the day of her return from long service leave. Thank you, students and teachers. 😊)
Parent Opinion Survey
Our annual Parent Opinion Survey has once again been distributed to all parents in the hope that we obtain feedback from as many parents as possible. In the first couple of days, we had a good number of responses which was absolutely fantastic. As always, our families who speak languages other than English, are well supported by our multi-cultural education assistants with personalised phone calls and offers of help at school to complete the survey.
100 Days of School
Our Foundation students on both campuses have also recently celebrated 100 Days of School. Thank you to all the parents and guardians / special people who came along to join in with the activities. And, congratulations to all our teachers on a very successful special event. More photos to come next issue.
Please just ask as we genuinely want to hear from you.
Keep smiling!
Mrs Debbie Cottier