Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
If it is true that “Jesus is God’s answer to a bad reputation”, (author unknown) then Mary must be most special in God’s eyes for agreeing to give birth to Jesus. Unfortunately for Mary, we mostly drag her out at Christmas along with the angels to place her at centre stage; then we pack her softly into the “Christmas box” for the rest of the year. Indeed, this is unfortunate for we unwittingly deprive ourselves of a rich source of inspiration, as we daily journey through our own life.
Mary is an ageless figure in the life of the Church; she has always been there and she is always available to be a powerful presence in the hearts of believers. We Christians are pilgrim people journeying through time towards our ultimate union with God. Mary has already made this journey and can be a sign of hope to all of us who travel the path of faith and continue the work of Christ through our lives. Like us, Mary too, knew hardship, sorrow, joy and peace. Things were not always clear to her and Luke tells us that “she pondered many things in her life”. (Luke 2:19-51) Mary stands out as a woman of strength who experienced poverty and suffering, flight and exile, a refugee in another country.
In everyday motherhood we catch a glimpse of Mary. A mother loves each of her children with a unique personal love; she does not lump them altogether. Her children stand equally before her; she loves each of her children for who they are, not for their gifts or achievements. They do not have to earn her love; it is enough that they are her children.
As Catholic people, we instinctively feel this about Mary and feel free to take to her our worries, concerns and even distress. In Mary we have an insight into the maternal side of God’s love which can lead us to a deeper understanding of how infinite God’s love is for each of us.
Father Thomas Richstoller suggests to us that, “Like Mary, we bear Christ in our bodies through Baptism and the Eucharist. We are to bring forth God to the world by our word and example. Mary’s sinlessness is a model for the Church, a reminder that we are to be God’s holy people. Mary’s assumption into heaven foretells our own destiny as Christians; where Mary is, one day we hope to be.”
In Mary we see a great example of how God acts. It is as though God depends on our cooperation for His presence to be made known. God waited for Mary’s consent, “…let it be done to me according to Your word”; with this consent He took flesh and came amongst us. Mary is the model for holiness which consists essentially in saying “yes” to God, as we hear and understand His word.
In material terms, Mary was poor but she was rich in her motherhood; she was human but God-bearer. Each of us is called to be a person who, like Mary, can be God’s earthly dwelling. Like Mary, we are invited every day to bring Christ into the world in our prayers, words and actions. We are invited to give God a “good” reputation by the example of our Christian journey through life.
“Mary, you heard God’s request through His messenger.
When you answered, ‘Yes’ you risked shame and disgrace, ridicule and rejection. Let your trust be our inspiration, your faith be our guide, your hope our course for courage. We ask this in the name of Jesus the child you bore.
-adapted Vienna Cobb Anderson.
Leonie Burfield